How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World
The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from Chinese of the book How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World, by the editorial team of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Preface Though the communist regimes of Eastern Europe have disintegrated, the specter of communism has not disappeared. On the contrary, this evil specter is already ruling our world, and humanity …

The law of Attraction is a dangerous delusion
1. “The Secret” is a Dangerous Book “The Secret” is simply the “law of attraction.” Essentially, the law of attraction states that whatever consumes your thoughts is what you will eventually get in life. That is to say; what comes to you is the result of your vibrational energy that you’re releasing. The idea that you can use energy for …

War Is A Racket
By Major General Smedley Butler Contents Chapter 1: War Is A Racket Chapter 2: Who Makes The Profits? Chapter 3: Who Pays The Bills? Chapter 4: How To Smash This Racket! Chapter 5: To Hell With War! Smedley Darlington Butler Born: West Chester, Pa., July 30, 1881 Educated: Haverford School Married: Ethel C. Peters, of Philadelphia, June …

The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations
by Myron C. Fagan Courtesy of : http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/illuminati.htm Foreword “WHO’S WHO IN THE THEATER” has always been the Bible of the People in the Legitimate Theater. It never played Favorites, it told no lies, it Glorified nobody. It always was an unbiased HISTORY of the men and women in the—AND ONLY ONE—testing place of the Theater. BROADWAY: That …

Destiny Of Souls
Destiny Of Souls After reading chapter 2 of Destiny of Souls on how spirits of our loved ones come back to comfort us, I cried for joy. Susan, Sacramento, CA I was thrilled that Dr. Newton’s teachings were published in another book. It gives us an even greater understanding of what we learned in his first book. …

The Hopi Message to the United Nations
The Hopi Message to the United Nations 12/10/92 We Hopi believe that the human race has passed through three different worlds and life ways since the beginning. At the end of each prior world, human life has been purified or punished by the Great Spirit Massauu due mainly to corruption, greed, and turning away from the Great Spirit’s teachings. …