Afterlives of the Rich and Famous

Afterlives of the Rich and Famous Sylvia Browne with Lindsay Harrison   From Sylvia and Lindsay: For you, Steve— we truly hope you’ve found everyone you’re looking for over there   Contents   Cover   Title Page     Introduction   Death . . . and Then What?   Glossary   The Celebrities   Acknowledgments     Also by Sylvia …

End of Days by Sylvia Browne

Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication INTRODUCTION     CHAPTER ONE – The End of Days: Why This Book Now? CHAPTER TWO – Ancient Beliefs About Doomsday CHAPTER THREE – Christians, Jews, and Catholics on the End of Days CHAPTER FOUR – Other Great Religions and the End of the World CHAPTER FIVE – The Prophets Speak on …

Dean Koontz

The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz

DEAN KOONTZ       Originally published under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols       BERKLEY BOOKS. NEW YORK   If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for …


      FOR HEIDI   Whose convincing arguments helped me decide to write The Third Wave. Her tough, tenacious criticism of my ideas and her professionalism as an editor are reflected on every page. Her contributions to this book extend far beyond those one would expect of a colleague, an intellectual companion, a friend, lover and wife. Did we …

Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Robert Powell, PhD, and Harrie Salman, PhD   Introduction by Robert Powell, PhD A text of prophecy—or prophecies—of the Bulgarian spiritual teacher Peter Deunov (1864- 1944) has been circulating in English on the internet for many years. Evidently translated from the original Bulgarian, although a reasonable translation the text in circulation has been translated by someone whose mother tongue is …


The Coming of an Easterner Is Prophesied in Centuries

The sixteenth-century French prophet Nostradamus indicated in Centuries that an unusual Easterner would appear in this period of history. Several poems in Centuries refer to the Easterner as well as to the changes he would bring to the world. I’d like to analyze three of the poems in hopes they can inspire people and get them thinking about the significance …

The Lost book of Nostradamus

Prediction by Nostradamus

1. Preface Prophecy, as the term suggests, is a prediction of future events. Prophets declare the future in varying degrees of significance, from domestic to national events, or from revolutions of a society to the future of mankind. Prophecy has been one of the most interesting and most talked-about phenomena throughout human history. Always as a point of curiosity, people …

The Hopi Prophecy

Excerpts from ‘Hopi Prophecy’

Excerpts from ‘Hopi Prophecy’   The followings are experts about the Hopi Prophecy listed on the Internet, just for readers’ reference: “Year 2000 is close approximate date. Everything happens one right after another like dominos. Caused by peoples’ corruption. Will have star people visit, but doesn’t indicate who they are or if they will help or hinder people. Has happened …

the Book of Revelation

Some Insights on the Book of Revelation

Some Insights on the Book of Revelation   The Christian Bible’s Book of Revelation is a collection of magnificent prophecies. It prophesied many major events that are currently taking place or will take place in the world. But over a long period of time, people have had many different interpretations of this Book. There are many misunderstandings and misconceptions. Many …

The Revelation to John

The Revelation to John

The Revelation to John     Author Four times the author identifies himself as John (1:1,4,9; 22:8). From as early as Justin Martyr in the second century a.d. it has been held that this John was the apostle, the son of Zebedee (see Mt 10:2). The book itself reveals that the author was a Jew, well versed in Scripture, a …