Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East – VOL 3

Chapter XVII



The Rishi resumed: “But it is written, ‘Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.’ [I Cor. 2:29.]  This should have read, ‘For them which love and bring forth the Christ of God.’

“Few understand Life’s Principle or the purpose of Life. The Understanding Principle is that which stands under all things and is the principle thing. Therefore, it is a true proverb, ‘With all thy getting, get understanding.’ Understanding conscious purpose underlies everything. It was this that brought forth so proficiently for Solomon. He asked that the foundation of understanding be given to him and that an understanding heart be his. This opened to him such a fount of wisdom and led him to such a position of power, that there were bestowed upon him such riches and honor that he was known as the King of one thousand magnificent accomplishments. This has been symbolically spoken of as Solomon’s ‘thousand wives.’

“In Solomon’s time, a wife was the symbol of a great accomplishment, an omniscient understanding which foresaw the whole history of the Universe and its definite connection with Humanity and each of its units. When Solomon gave out these accomplishments to his people and used them for their benefit, there were added to his store ‘three thousand more’ and his songs ‘were a thousand and five.’ ‘And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.’ [I Kings 4:29-32.]

“Solomon was not a king in the literal or temporal sense of the word; he was a king over himself and his own household. This kingship he did hold. From that throne he dispensed love, understanding, wisdom, justice, and abundance to all that asked for wise counsel.

At that time all humanity was asking and, in response, he received love, understanding, wisdom, justice, and abundance a thousand fold. Although Solomon ruled them with a ‘rod that standeth upright like iron,’ it was the symbol of law that never fails. When that which he had sent out was magnified a thousand times ten thousand and returned with the same power, the Kingdom that Solomon held, though it were the whole earth, could not contain the richness of the reward of the law or lord that knew the treasure of the Christ of God, when he obeyed the command that the Self must come forth and obey God, Principle.

“Give with no thought of receiving and you cannot compass the reward. First give love to God, then to all the earth. When that love returns it has encompassed the whole earth and is magnified a thousand times ten thousand, as it has passed through the thoughts of millions of people and each has increased it one thousand times ten thousand fold. When it returns, is there room on earth for the fullness thereof?

“This alone has released earth and heaven is the result. Harmony reigns supreme. Solomon commanded of himself that he do this with understanding, wisdom, justice, abundance, and great joy. What happened? The earth could not hold the abundance; it was earth no more, it was Heaven.

“Do you wonder that those of Solomon’s day called him a great King, a God? They fell down and worshipped Solomon, thinking that he could furnish them with every needed thing. This is where they erred; they did not realize that Solomon was the example that they should follow. God said unto Solomon: ‘There shall be none like you in all the earth.’ There could be none like him on earth for he had released the earthly estate; the heavenly estate was his and therein reigned his people as kingly as Solomon reigned. He set forth God, the heritage of man, which they must follow.

“Could such a King condemn one of his kings to death, when by doing so he condemned himself to the same death, multiplied one thousand times ten thousand? Such a king ruled justly—not over other kings, but with kings, and there need be no pomp or glory of outer display. He need not even display his crown—all humanity knows of the crown.  Such a King is a true ruler, not of the few, but with every human unit—they rule with him. This is man and God reigning supreme. This is the House of Israel, when the house becomes the tree, the root, the branch, the twig, the leaf, the flower, and the perfume that the flower emits, the very spirit of all races.

“Such a race did inhabit this earth and such a race will again inhabit this earth. I say unto you, you need not falter; heaven is here, if each human unit will but make it so.

“As men refuse to heed the call they will go out and return through birth into life, with its trials and tribulations; then through death again and again, until the lesson is finally learned—that upon the rock of absolute spiritual perception the whole human family is built.

“To such a race death does not exist nor can it again exist; therefore, Karma does not exist. Karma is but retribution for bringing into manifestation, discord, and inharmony. Substitute renunciation for retribution and you correct the cause for Karma, as it exists only in the thoughts of those determined to manifest Karma. Remove the cause or substitute it by a higher condition and the lower condition is erased. You have elevated the vibrations of your body above those which allowed Karma to exist.

“Death in no way removes Karma; neither does it destroy or erase it. Death adds to and magnifies Karma many fold, thus heaping it in great billows upon each human unit. The instant you let go of death and rebirth, you are free from death and Karma; both are erased. If erased, they are forgotten; if forgotten, they are forgiven.

“If at this stage, the absolute permanency of life cannot be perceived, thus conceived and brought into being, then there is an ultimate remedy for the mistake of death, named reincarnation.

“Reincarnation is but a guiding light on the blind trail of death. When this light leads, death may be overcome through round after round of earthly experiences. Then, through the lessons which those experiences teach, we arrive at the accomplishment of letting go of man-made conditions of creed or dogma that have been imposed upon us. Then we may again step forth into the full glory of God, into the light that is shining just as brightly, which has only seemed dim because we have wandered farther from the Father’s House, the house of our own true self unalloyed by man-made creed and superstition.

“As we again approach the House, the light shines forth brighter with each advancing step; and, as we enter, we find it aglow with light and with the same warmth and beauty which only seemed dim through our outlook. There again we shall find quiet, peace, and rest; and in these we may feast at will. The same would have been ours had we entered the House before we wandered, creed and superstition-bound. At the end of the trail all is forgotten and forgiven as it could have been before the beginning.

“ ‘Stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord within you.’ Stand completely still in the physical and see the complete salvation that the Lord Christ of God, standing forth as your true self, can give you. Thus, I perceived and stated the law that Abraham made use of so long ago. It is just as true this day as it was at that time. Manifestations take form as they are conceived in thought, word, or action, according to your belief. If the thought is not good, the remedy is, ‘Change your thought.

Call those things that be not, as though they were.’

“There are many mistakes in translation from the original texts to the context of your Bible, as well as many false prophecies. Many of these were brought about through lack of understanding of the characters and symbols with which the translators were dealing.

“These are excusable, as the translators were conscientious and their conclusions were presented as ably as they were able to comprehend them. The greater majority, however, were base falsehoods, perpetrated deliberately to mystify, to mislead, and to subvert the original gospel of the House of Israel.

“The first name was Is-rael, meaning the Crystal or pure white race, the first race that ever inhabited the world, the original or root race from which all other races sprang. This race was also designated as a pure light race, race, in many instances, meaning ray or beam. From this race sprang the Aryan race.

“The greater portion of this subversion of the Bible came about or began in the first and second centuries A.D. and this onslaught was directed in particular against the books of Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. These misrepresentations were extended to the early works of Josephus and other books. They show conclusively that they were purposely perpetrated to hide well known data that existed at that time and instances that happened before that period. These falsifications were also instituted to destroy the definite chronological system and history preserved by the Israelites from the time consciousness began. Thousands of false histories of true events were written and substituted for originals and large portions of true historical data were distorted and effaced.

“The Aryan Race, a direct branch of this race, used this same chronological system and it has been preserved by them in its purity. Through this system, these forgeries and substitutions can be readily traced. Thus, we are in possession of true and complete Hebrew chronology. We know these falsehoods were extended to Solomon and to his household of wives, as well as to many others of the Ten Tribe House of Israel, its leaders, teachers, and counselors.

“After the division of this Ten Tribe House into two, the root kingdom was known as the House or Kingdom of Israel. The other was known as the tribe of Judah. While this tribe was of Israel, they were by no means all Israel. To hear Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob referred to as Jews is not only common error, but subversion; as only the descendants of Judah and those that came after, could be called after his name ‘Jews.’ The term ‘Jew’ was never applied to the Ten Tribe House of Israel nor to the twelve tribes of Israel.

“The Israelites were not Jews but the Jews were a tribe of the Israelitish Nation.

“When the tribe of Judah left Palestine and went into captivity, the name ‘Jew’ was applied to their tribe. Those that are known to us today as ‘Jews’ are the remnant of the tribe of Judah that returned to Palestine after they were released from captivity. Many of them had mixed their blood with the surrounding nations. Those that call themselves ‘Jews’ today are less than one-third-blood of the real tribe of Judah.

“Wherever the Jews have lived and mingled with the Israelites or Aryans, they have flourished; and it is to these nations that they owe their hardihood. As time goes on, the Jews will see that it is to these nations that they will be obliged to turn for protection and succor and it behooves them to keep their house in order.

“That part of the tribe of Judah which joined the Israelites in their migrations through Europe are not a part of the race that are now known as the ‘Jews.’ That portion can in no way be distinguished from the other Israelites that settled in the British Isles and elsewhere and along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, as through inter-marriage and environment they have all lost their tribal characteristics. I was of this race; therefore, I know.

“The Jews are with us; we can trace their history step by step, down the ages, from the House of Judah to the tribe of Judah, and down to the present day. They are one of the standing signs of the great race that has assisted in preserving the God ideal, until all races are restored into one race, with the Christ of God the controlling factor in each unit of that race, as it was before the great race began to disseminate and divide.

“It is not difficult to trace the migration of Israel from Jerusalem. The trails of those who settled in the British Isles are readily distinguishable. Likewise, that of the tribe of Dan. Their name and history, also the places where they settled, identify them. The Danube River, named from the tribe, is an open roadstead today, through which, after disseminating into tribes, divisions of these tribes came to Britain later as Danes, Jutes, Picts, and under other names as well. Thus, they went into Scandinavia, Ireland, Scotland, and other countries and, under these various names, they came to Britain and thence to America. As they reached America, they are in their former homeland.  In this land of their origin, they are fast losing their tribal identities and are changing their language into the one language and that language will be the one which they spoke when they departed.

“They have wandered from home for a long, long time, but they are back again to their homeland; and that land extends to South America, Australia, New Zealand and the South Sea Islands and is as far flung as Japan and China.

“The Japanese and Chinese have migrated but little. They are divisions of a vital race that migrated from the motherland of Mu long before the disturbance that caused the mother continent to sink.

They were called Uiguar or wandering tribes and are the progenitors of the Great Mongolian races. It is in this homeland that the white race achieved the highest civilization. They used emanating and radiating energy and released the energy of the atom to do useful work. They also developed levitation; thus they transported themselves from place to place. Their philosophy was entirely free from pagan worship, creed, dogma, and superstition. They worshipped true Principle as flowing through all humanity, man as divine as God.

“Israel-Arya is the symbol of the single and wise kingship and culture. From this race came the Bible and to this race its highest precepts were addressed.

“The Christ in man was their ideal. This was the torch that bore the light which was always aflame, the head of the scepter. To fan this flame and keep it glowing ever brighter, that man may never forget its precepts, those precepts were not only recorded in one Bible but in twelve Bibles.

“To guard against destruction or subversion, people built twelve corresponding Bibles in stone and located them throughout the Motherland. In order to bring them together under one head, thus making the precepts everlasting, they built the Great Pyramid; thus proving that the Christ, the foundation of civilization, was solidly established on earth among men and could not be defaced or erased. It would last forever, not only as a beacon that would hold high the light, but as a reflector for that light. It not only reflected the light but gave forth the oft-repeated command, ‘If Humanity has lost the light, go within; there you will find recorded the precepts that will renew the light so that it may shine forth from you, the lost sheep that are wandering bereft of light.

“With God, all that wander without the light (life) are sheep that have strayed from the fold. The fold is always there to behold and return to. The Christ, the shepherd, awaits with the lighted torch upheld for those that will enter therein. Although it has been hidden through the ages, it is always there for those that come, seeking the light.

“It is the first expression from the Cosmos. The voice, the word of God, comes forth. Here is LIGHT. LET THERE BE LIGHT, the vibration flashed forth; with those vibrations came LIFE. That Life is never separate from God, is witnessed by the fact that this Great Pyramid, with its foundation well established on earth, rears its head, uncrowned, to the skies.

“When man accepts his true heritage, Christ and the fact that the Christ of God is his true self in full dominion, the crown or capstone will be placed; then will it stand as an everlasting witness to the fact that man will never again wander from the fold.

“The Great Pyramid is a Bible in stone, an indestructible bibliographical record portraying events of attainments and wanderings of God’s chosen peoples. This does not mean just one people but all people who accept the Christ light. Neither does it give those people license to act and be less than Christ-like. It stands as a witness, lest humanity or its units wander away and forget, and dim this true Light, that from their midst would come forth One who had the determination fully to portray the Christ and with torch held high, aflame with light, would lead as the Christ within should lead.

“For ages, civilization has been going downward. In fact, so long has the great race trod the dark path, it appeared that this great race would lose its identity and revert to savagery and barbarism entirely. It was recognized that only a few were holding fast to the pure concepts that belonged to humanity, and that these few must withdraw into seclusion, in order that they could more readily come together, concentrate, and send out the light for the protection of humanity as a whole.

“Through this group, teachings were promulgated that the world needed a Savior, a God-man, who could and would step forth and, through thought, word, or deed teach and show humanity first through its units, then en masse, that the Christ still lived in them and was just as vital as ever, although inactive.

“The Christ light had been submerged by them because of their ignorance and refusal to live a Christ-like life. Through the spoken word, prophecy, and the heralding of groups and individuals, the proclamation was sent out to humanity that the Most High had appointed a Savior, who would again live true to humanity’s highest concepts, and that a Savior would come forth at an appointed time.

“This was an edict of the Most High which the Godhead poured out through a group of human units. Those units saw that, in order to attract men to the Savior who would come among them, it would be necessary to set an appointed time for His advent and that all should be instructed as to the method and purpose of His coming, even fixing the exact date of the crucifixion.

“This was not only necessary in order to give His teachings greater weight and vitality, but it was necessary to bring humanity’s thoughts back to a focal or central point, as the majority were wandering entirely after strange gods. Humanity had gone so far afield that spiritual death was imminent. Thus, it was proclaimed that the Body of this Messiah or Savior would be slain and that his body would be placed in a rock-hewn tomb and a complete resurrection would follow. Thus, humanity would again be shown that they could turn from being the ‘sons of men’ and become the Sons of God—the Christ of God always dwelling One with God. Thus, by living the God life, man would never go back into the welter; peace and good will would reign on earth. It was also written that this condition did exist and was before all things and that He would teach them man’s true heritage. Thus He did exist and was the Hidden One of the ages; and through the precepts that He taught, flowed the fountain of God’s providence and the full fruits of the earth that were for man’s free use.

“There prophecies had become paganized and subverted before the advent of Jesus; and this subversion has extended to this day, leading many to believe that the basic elements of Christianity had been borrowed from previous religions, instead of knowing that it has always stood forth and accomplished humanity’s highest ideal.

“The body of the mother, the one who would bring forth and nourish this Christ Child, and the body of the father who would stand as a physical protector, were also prepared for this immaculate birth, each complete yet united as one, to watch over this child who would grow into maturity among those he would teach.

“The mother was Mary and the father was Joseph, both representing the descendants of David, the true light-bearer; from the seed of Abraham, meaning Ah Brahm, the bearer of the complete light from the great Cosmos.

“The sons of man had reverted so low in the scale that the vibrations of their bodies were below those of the animal. By stepping forth and presenting the long-forgotten Christ, He knew full well they would attempt to ravage his body in a greater degree than the animal would. Unless human perceptions are guided by the Christ light, they will sink lower than the animal.

“He knew He must be so definitely at-one with the Christ in His dominion that they could not touch Him unless He chose. Thus, He was fearless in choosing the role. Such an One choosing this role must be humble, knowing fully that such is the role that all have followed through their Christ life.

“This gathering consolidates this idea more definitely. You can observe the silent influence wielded through the thousands of humble souls gathered here. You can calculate this fully by taking for the basis of your deductions the fact that one man, standing forth in his Godhead, giving forth in fullest measure, conquers the world and death is no more. Add to this the influence of one more who is as powerful, the influence of the two is four-fold greater than the one. Then multiply this by the numbers gathered here and you can realize the power that is radiating forth to the whole world from this multitude.

“With such a power center in full radiation, the world is reborn, revitalized, and renewed instantly, whether the units of humanity realize it or not. Such an assembly has gathered in stated locations throughout the world every twelve years, far down the ages, long before Neptune threw off her mantle of God. Their numbers were less in the earlier days, but the radiations going out from the groups have attracted others without an audible word being spoken.

“The first small group grew into a multitude; then one from that multitude formed another group, and so on, until twelve groups were formed; and this is the twelfth or last group, making thirteen in all. This group has assembled to consolidate and unite the twelve with the first group, making thirteen united into one complete group, yet meeting as the original groups have met, in different places, to facilitate the accessibility of the assembling places.

“There is no attempt at definite organization; neither are there any hard and fast rules adhered to. It is only organized as each individual is organized within and, through that organization, is drawn to one of the groups. The location of the assemblies has never been revealed to people in general, which proves that there has been no attempt at organization.

“The assembly which will gather at twelve o’clock tomorrow will fully consolidate all the groups under the first group, the twelve building a pyramid symbolizing the completion of the Christ ideal in man, the thirteenth constituting the capstone or crown.

“All the thirteen groups will assemble as separate groups in the same location as before; yet the assembling of one or all of the groups will be the same as though all were meeting with the head group, which will be accomplished tomorrow.

“Aside from just assembling for consolidation of the thirteen groups into one group, twelve from each of the twelve groups will go out to assist in forming twelve more groups. Multiply this by twelve, which will be one hundred and forty-four groups. When these groups are augmented by other units of humanity, they will again branch out into groups of twelve. Thus a pyramid formed of groups in the order of twelve will be erected until it encompasses the earth.

“The only requisite necessary to become one or a part of these groups is first to present the Christ ideal to yourself, then give forth Christ to the world in thought, word and deed. You are then one with this whole great group and where you meet God, they must meet with you, in your home, your own sanctuary, be it in the most remote part of the world, on the mountain peak, or in the busy marts of trade. One with God is the determining factor always. The instant you lift your thought to the Christ, your body responds to the Christ vibration; then you respond to the same vibratory influence that is emanating from this vast throng and the multiplied energy of its numbers picks up your Christ ideal and spreads it broadcast to the whole world; and your influence is carried on and on with the combined whole in a great tidal wave of thought.

“Thus, instead of remaining in the former seclusion, these precepts will become world-wide. To such a group there need be no head, save the Great Godhead of the whole human race; no form, no sect, no creed is necessary.

“Declare you are the Christ and command the self to live true to this ideal concept in thought, word and deed; thus you do conceive and bring forth the Christ. These vibrations once established are never diminished, though the unit or individual be unconscious of their existence; but if you keep on and on, you will become conscious of these vibrations—which is a far greater experience than any other could be. Thus, the focal point which is established is true and can never be erased and to this point every human unit must eventually come. To such the whole wide vista of the Universe is opened and there are no restrictions added to or imposed upon the individual. The vista imposed by the human vision may be outside these vibrations, but it may be brought within the range of vibratory vision. There may not appear to be an individual here within the vibratory ray which the human vision imposes, but each is here and we recognize him. You, who have walked or ridden all the way, have at times glimpsed this fact or you would not be here.

“With such a united humanity, can the battle of Gog and Magog or Armageddon be fought? Can man-made manifestations of law bring forth a force that will trample over God Law, which is ruling above and co-existing with all force? Here but one God-man need say, ‘NO,’ and it will be accomplished, as all are in unison and respond in unison. No force need be exerted. The force to harm that those in the lower vibrations are sending out can be concentrated and returned to them with true love and blessing. If they resist, they will but destroy themselves; and those who are returning the love force need not so much as lift a hand.

“These groups stand as the Great Pyramid has stood, indestructible down through the ages, as a witness, in stone, to humanity that the Christ in man was fully established long before man’s advent, and that man as the Christ has never been separated from the Godhead. That this Great

Pyramid is such a witness is fully established by its age and purity of form, construction, and intellectual value. It has been preserved and mentioned as the Great Pyramid throughout millennia. All the scientific information that is imbedded in the huge mass was not placed there for the advancement of science, as men must be well versed in science in order to interpret its knowledge.

“Its great antiquity and wonderful structure have set it aside as a mystery to mankind. Within its mass is exposed the secret of the Universe; each delineation is in precise terms and methods of exact science. This was pre-ordained and is working toward the harmonious consummation of man standing forth as the Christ of God, completely amalgamated with God. The culmination of this accomplishment will place the capstone upon the Great Pyramid.”

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