1. Preface
Prophecy, as the term suggests, is a prediction of future events. Prophets declare the future in varying degrees of significance, from domestic to national events, or from revolutions of a society to the future of mankind. Prophecy has been one of the most interesting and most talked-about phenomena throughout human history. Always as a point of curiosity, people have discussed various prophecies time and time again. Throughout the ages, people at home and abroad circulated prophecies in many countries. These prophecies represent a marvelous anecdote in the book of human civilization.

The Prophecies of Michael Nostradamus
Many prophecies proved to be highly accurate, exceeding the expectation and knowledge of the general public. Centuries by Nostradamus, a French prophet who lived over four hundreds years ago, foretold many significant events that had happened later, in this period of human civilization, including the rise of Napoleon, the presence of Hitler, the World Wars, the death of the British Princess Diana, the Sept.11 terrorist attack in New York City, the 1989 oppression of the democratic movement in Tian An Men square in China, and the ongoing persecution against Fa Lun Gong in China directed by Jiang Ze Min.
The only obstacle in understanding Nostradamus’ prophecies lie within the representation of the messages, which included difficult, obscure, evasive poems and symbolic secret codes. Since the prediction of the future was buried in a complicated language, the general public could validate the true meaning of a prediction only after a predicted event had come to pass.
Prophecies have profound meanings to all human societies. A fulfilled prophecy proves its authenticity. In addition, prophecies guide mankind to an acceptance that the future of mankind has its regularity and cannot be altered by will. One’s attitude and response toward a fulfilled prophecy or a prophecy in the progress of fulfillment, as well as one’s subsequent efforts in exploring a better future, is a subject that one must face with much deliberation.
2. The Lost Book of Nostradamus
In 1994, Italian journalist Enza Massa was at the Italian National Library in Rome when she stumbled upon an unusual find. It was a manuscript dating to 1629, titled: Nostradamus Vatinicia Code.
Michel de Notredame, the author’s name, was on the inside in indelible ink. This manuscript, never published by Nostradamus, was handed down to the prophet’s son and later donated by him to Pope Urban VIII. It did not surface again until now, almost four hundred years later.
Nostradamus’s son, Cesar, may be the actual author of what is known as the ‘lost book’ of prophecies discovered in 1994.
The Vaticinia Michaelis Nostradami de Futuri Christi Vicarii ad Cesarem Filium D. I. A. Interprete (The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus on The Future Vicars of Christ to Cesar His Son, As Expounded by Lord Abbot Joachim), or Vaticinia Nostradami for short, is a collection of eighty watercolor images compiled as an illustrated codex.
A version of the well-known Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus of the 13th-14th century, it was discovered in 1994 by the Italian journalists Enza Massa and Roberto Pinotti in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (Central National Library) in Rome, Italy.