Currency Wars by James Rickards

Currency Wars by James Rickards PART 3


Davison, Henry P.

Dawes, Charles

Dawes Plan, 1924

de Gaulle, Charles


Defense, U.S. Department of, and financial war game


under gold exchange standard

international trade

and U.S. dollar vulnerability


China’s yuan exchange rate and

1920s gold prices and

in 1930s and U.S. gold devaluation

U.S. fears during 2000, 2002–2011

Deng Xiaoping


derivatives contracts

Deutsche Bundesbank


China’s fears of U.S. currency devaluation


1930s currency

U.S. 1930s gold devaluation

Dodd-Frank reform legislation of 2010

dollar inflation

dollar, U.S.

black market trade of

Bretton Woods system and

collapse in complexity theory

collapse of dollar-denominated markets

collapse of, potential

counterfeit one-hundred-dollar bills

devaluation of

dollar-gold parity

early warning attacks on

euro-dollar exchange rate

Federal Reserve and dollar price stability

on floating rate system

1920s Germany, value in

1930s devaluation against gold

1970s devaluation against gold

1980s return of

under Nixon’s New Economic Policy

reserve currency, as global

Russian ruble and

and SDRs in dollar replacement strategy

as supercurrency

yen-dollar relationship

yuan-dollar exchange rate

Dow Jones Industrial Average Drudge Report


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