Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

point of view the sun will rise from the constellation of Aquarius in 2375. This beginning of the Age of Aquarius was for Steiner not yet the beginning of the culture of Aquarius, the 6th Slavic culture. Inspirations need time to work in human culture, in his view 1199 years, which would place the beginning of the next culture in the year 3574. Peter Deunov did not fix the year of the beginning of this culture, but he did announce the inspirations coming from Aquarius in 1914, linking them to the Second Coming of Christ. Evidently, Rudolf Steiner and Peter Deunov spoke about the same events, but placed them in different frameworks.

From 1914 until his death in 1944 Peter Deunov gave many prophecies concerning the Second Coming, the Slavic culture, the new cycle of cultures (called in Theosophy the ‘Sixth Root race’ and by Peter Deunov also the ‘Race of Love’ that will emerge from all nations and will be prepared by the Slavic culture) and the Kingdom of God that will be established in this new cycle of cultures. These prophecies can be found in his lectures and in the compilations made by his disciples.

In the next sections we publish chapters from the book Wellspring of Good, in which his words have been collected from the last year of his life. They were taken down in shorthand by Boyan Boev and Boris Nikolov during the nine month stay of Peter Deunov and a group of his disciples in the home of Temelko, in the village of Murchaevo, near Sofia, in 1944. These 6 chapters are called: Eradication of the Old, The New Epoch, Daybreak, The Sixth Race, The Man of the Sixth Race, and The Slavic Nation.

The so-called Prophecy of Peter Deunov regarding the end of our civilization and the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth, that is circulating on the internet, was not given in this form by Peter Deunov, but represents a compilation of paragraphs partly taken from the following chapters.


From the last talks (1944)

1.      Eradication of the Old 29

Material culture creates the forms and goods, but it remains fruitless and meaningless if people do not realize the Laws of the Eternal Life.

Once when a question about the New Culture arose, the Master said:


A new Wave is coming from out of the Cosmic Space, the Wave of Divine Love. It is also called ‘Wave of Fire’. This Wave has powerful vibrations, which not every human being can endure. For this reason, it has been said that God is an all-consuming Fire. Those who are ready to withstand the vibrations of this Wave and receive this Wave will become luminous. Yet for those who cannot bear them, it will be a Fire that will either consume them or will cause them to pass through great suffering. This will prepare them to awaken and receive Love. For this reason, this Wave of Love, which is coming, is also called the Divine Fire. Everything old and impure will burn in it. After humankind passes through this Divine Fire, the Kingdom of God will come to Earth. I say: When the Fire of Love comes, some people will become luminous; but others will burn and pass through repentance.


29 Beinsa Douno, The Wellspring of Good, p. 285-292.

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