Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Today life is more active. Years ago infants could open their eyes not earlier than three weeks after birth. But today, they open their eyes the moment they are born. This exists everywhere, in every nation.

Humble people will put the world in order. Who are the humble? Once two people went to court. The son of one of them came and told his father, “Father, we do not need that for which you are in court. Let’s forget and forgive.” This son was considered unassertive, but he stopped the trial.


3.   Daybreak 32

The Master said:

The Invisible World is organized very well. Now it is preparing something to put order into the world. One of the greatest experiments in the Universe is set before us. Advanced Beings are descending from the Invisible World. They come to transform the conditions of life. They will put order into the world. Do you know what Forces these Great Brothers have at their disposal! The Luminous Beings are coming and bringing the New Culture. After these events, spiritual knowledge will be applied on the physical plane. Those who work in the Divine Arena will be needed more than ever.

The Luminous Brothers have besought all of humankind and have given people an ultimatum. If people do not subject themselves to the Divine, they will move into action.

Through the Light, the Advanced Beings—the Forces of Light—fight with the forces of darkness. The Light is the most powerful weapon. The Forces of Light have already had the upper hand over the forces of darkness. Victory is on the side of the Good.

Today, we are engaged in great battles. When we finish traveling, we will reach the Promised Land. We will sit under the fig tree, and we will rest.

The reason for the failure of prior cultures was that the Astral World had not yet been ordered and cleansed.

The New Culture of the Astral World will be introduced to the Earth.

The most beautiful Life is coming now. Until now, you have had no brothers and sisters. Your brothers and sisters are coming now. Great Blessings are coming to the Earth after its adversity. Something good is coming into the world. It is better for hardship to come first and then the blessing than vice versa.

The contradictions will continue until we come into Love, which overcomes everything in the world.

The New Teaching does not need to make a stir in the world. We do not come to uproot: there are others who will come before us who will uproot and weed out. We will plant the seeds

32 Beinsa Douno, The Wellspring of Good, p. 296-298.

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