Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

The sixth race brings positive beauty. The people of that race will have very proportional features: they will be beautiful. They will be inspired by the high ideal within themselves, which will make them beautiful. They will be a much more beautiful people than you have seen until now.

The facial angle of the European is 80 degrees; in the dog it is 35 degrees. In the human being of the sixth race, it will be 90 degrees. Rarely have I seen really beautiful people.

The brows of the people of the new epoch will be straighter. They will be curved very little, indicating that they are part of a very large Circle. The color of these people will be radiant like someone illuminated by the Sun. Light will emanate from their faces as if they were radiating. At night there will be no need for lamps. Wherever these people go, there will be light because human beings will radiate light. Their eyes will see at a distance; they will see also in the dark. When you look at a person from a distance, you do not know who he is. Yet, a member of the sixth race, will see the details from far away.

We need to acquire that quality of light—selflessness—and that quality of water— suppleness. What the light has accomplished in illuminating space, you should do as well. And what the water has done in purifying things, you should do as well.

The human beings of the sixth race are already created—they exist. They have been here for thousands of years, but are kept under guard, they are hidden. They are not shown to everyone. Nature exists as a closed book. The one who knows how to open it can read from it. Many look at this closed book only from without, only at its cover.

With the coming of the sixth race, humankind will enter Paradise and will depart from error.

In the future, one will remember his past incarnations. It will be pleasing for him to remember them, but he will feel that he has departed from his old state—like the butterfly that previously had been a caterpillar.

The human being of the sixth race will be musical. When he visits people who are not well, just by singing or playing an instrument to them, the ill regain their health.


6.      The Slavic Nation 39

After the air raids, we went with the Master to the mountain for a few days. There it was isolated and uninhabited. Down in the valley, the city of Sofia lay destroyed, burned down, and deserted. It was very windy, cold, and damp. Heavy clouds were moving above the mountain peaks. From time to time, the Sun was seen between the clouds. The Sun peeked through, and blessed warm rays came upon us. One could feel the freshness and vitality of the pristine life. Every color, every breath, every movement, every form was filled with this life. The mountain was a shrine. Man has lost his ability to talk to God. But even now, man can find again the lost Paradise. We were seated around the Master on the soft fleecy rug of grass and were talking. The clouds withdrew, and the Sun shone over the meadows. A question about the Slavic nation arose.

The Master said:

39 Beinsa Douno, The Wellspring of Good, p. 377-380.

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