God’, one should understand the people of the sixth race. They will live as brothers. All nations will be represented in one unity.
Those who do not understand the prophecies are worried about the future. Read Chapter 60 from Isaiah. This chapter is about the coming of the sixth race. In Jude 1:14–15, it is written, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds.” This is about an epoch whose beginning is now. Until now, the Good has being cultivated in the greenhouse. And yet, when the Kingdom of God comes, all flowers will leave the greenhouse; natural growing conditions will exist for them.
From the Invisible World, Advanced Beings, people of the sublime Love or the so-called forerunners of humankind, are coming. These are Workers who are coming from Above. When they find souls ready to work, they will incarnate in them and act through them.
New ideas are coming into this world. They will clash with the old ones. Why? It is because the old refuses to give up its realm. The new will reform the world radically. The old systems will be replaced with new ones. Those who accept these new ideas will be transformed. Their face will become illuminated and will take on a new expression. We are in a transitional epoch. We will all pass into the new epoch and will live in a new way. The old forms have become obsolete. The old life has no more material for work. The time has come for all people to raise their consciousness a step upward and give way to the Divine Power.
5. The Human Being of the Sixth Race 36
Each race is characterized by certain qualities. Black people are notable for their imagination and strong feelings; the native peoples of the Americas—for their ability to apply geometry and mathematics. Asians are notable for their objective mind, and Caucasians—for their rationality: ever since they have been on Earth, they have been measuring and exploring things with precision.
The sixth race expected to develop in the future has all the good qualities of the preceding races. In this regard, it represents the essential synthesis of the human virtues.
While living on Earth one passes through all preceding stages of human development. As cautious as one might be, one nevertheless passes through these preceding stages and, if people are wise, they learn from this process.
The sixth race is one of Justice and of the Kingdom of God. This race is already coming, and then the Kingdom of God, on a small scale, will be established on Earth.
A brother asked, “Master, is not justice inferior when compared to the Kingdom of God? Because, according to the human law of justice, whoever works less earns less. Whereas, according to the higher spiritual Law, everyone must receive in compliance with their needs.”
The Master replied:
The Kingdom of God—it is the same as Justice. I have in mind the Divine Justice.
36 Beinsa Douno, The Wellspring of Good, p. 373-376. (in this edition called: The Human Being of the New Epoch).