The western nations have reached the height of their development. They have blossomed and have come to fruition. The Slavic people will blossom from now on and give fruit.
It is wrong to think that the Slavic nations need to dominate, to command other nations. The opposite is true; they will be the sphere in which the positive features of other nations will manifest.
The Slavic people will bring something new. They come now to create the New Culture. In a sense, they are now the spiritual Israel.
It is interesting to compare Russia and Palestine. The Caspian Sea in the Slavic region is a closed sea. There is an analogy between this sea and the Dead Sea in Palestine. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, and the Jordan River—into the Dead Sea. The Volga is the counterpart of the Jordan River. The Volga is a big river, and the Jordan, a small one. The Dead Sea is 25 meters under sea level, and the Caspian Sea is also under sea level. The difference is that there is no life in the Dead Sea whereas the Caspian Sea is full of life. The rivers from the Slavic region flow into the Arctic Ocean, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and other seas. In Palestine, no river flows into an open sea. Therefore, the Slavs carry the Jewish culture to some extent, but there is also a difference.
The back of the head in the Slavs is developed. This means that they possess strong family ties and the capacity for a settled life.
The Slavs need to overcome a remaining influence from preceding stages in human civilization manifested as extreme materialism.
In general, western people have a developed intellect. In the Latin people, the feelings and heart are developed. The Slavic people now carry the power of the soul—Love. They are the people of Love for humankind. They carry the Culture of Brotherhood.
Among all the Slavic nations, Bulgaria represents the will. Therefore, it is like a central point in which the two forces—mind and love—need to become balanced.
God wants the Slavs to fulfill a mission. Through the Slavs, a sense of the new, of generosity, needs to be introduced. Generosity is a Slavic quality; no other people are as generous as the Slavs. One of the great characteristics of the Slavic nations is self-sacrifice. In the Slavs, the spirit of sacrifice is working.
Therefore, the future is in the Slavic nations. The New Culture will be born out of the Slavs. A beautiful quality of the Slavic nations is altruism. This is the Divine Cause within them. Until now, such a density of people as the Slavs, ready for the New Culture, has not existed.
The Slavic nations are the bearers of the Divine Idea. In the Slavic consciousness, there is something sublime: the Love for God.
God is passing the Slavs through Fire. There are no other people in the world who have gone through such suffering as the Slavs. God says, “From you, something good must come.” It is determined that the Slavs, as one great family, need to fulfill God’s Will. In this lies the greatness of their mission.
By the end of the 20th century, many Advanced Beings—the Brothers of Love and ancestors of humankind—will incarnate among the Slavic nations. They will bring a great spiritual uplifting. Yet they are not only the vanguards: they are the main forces.
The changes that are happening now in Russia are due to the actions of these Advanced Beings. These Beings who are now coming into the Slavic nations are bringing the Slavs unification and are working for their mission.
Scattered throughout different places in Russia, there are people who are working for the Divine Science. These are the Initiates, the Divine Messengers. In Russia, new forms of life for the future are developing. Russia is the creative field for these forms.
It is interesting that America and Russia are connected in the north. This means that they will come to an understanding through the Truth, that is to say: by being free.
England and Russia can have agreement in the name of Divine Justice.
The Slavic nations are a living tree onto which England, Germany, America, and France will be grafted. They are the four teachers of the Slavic nations. And the sixth race will be the fruit of this grafted tree. This fruit will combine all the positive features of these nations.
In the Russians, the nose is childlike, but it is blessed. It is written, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”40
The Slavic people have already passed through their period of terrible frost and are now rising. Russia and the Slavic nations are now out of the cold black zone, out of the dark age.
The Slavic nations now have the potential to take their place in the world. Bulgarians are the pioneers among the Slavs.
The Latin people have given the forms, and the Slavic people will give the content.
We call the Slavs the ‘sunny people’. Some call them coarse. The coarseness comes from the Sun because within the Sun’s energy, there is abundant light and warmth. From this energy the animals and the plants are alive.
The Asian, the Eastern nations, have great confidence in the Slavic nations. The Slavs will introduce into these nations what they need: the Divine Order. The Slavs will be united; they will be the bridge between Europe and Asia. All Slavic people need to unite into one. After the unification of the Slavs, the whole world will unite. The future people of Love will unite all.
The Slavs will introduce a spiritual element into the world—that we may become as brothers. Their mission is the unification of all nations.
40 See also Matthew 18:2–3, “Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven.’”