Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)

Now I am addressing you, my servants, leaders and teachers and to you scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites, and I command you to not corrupt My people which I have entrusted to you. Turn away from your evil paths, it is time for you to consider, guide my people on the path of the truth and do not mislead them, help the defenseless in their sorrows and do not injure the poor. Put away lawlessness, renounce injustice, leave depravity behind, for God can no longer look upon these evil deeds which are being committed everywhere before His eyes. He is out of patience, I have been called to bring an end to the mass of evil. Heed this while there is still time left, for the moment is coming when it shall be too late to seek me; think about this, the lack of faith which has taken over you wilfully, won’t bring you any good. This is my second coming since you have become my people, in order to see with my own eyes how you are and how you live and My spirit is moved when I see the dismal picture. You are to be pitied, you for whom I have sacrificed all that I acquired: life, glory, and honour; you have misused My goodness and love. In front of My eyes a great number of your unhappy brothers and sisters are standing whom you yourselves have violated and plundered. Go to them and confess your trespasses and make peace with your neighbours. On the day when I am coming to reveal myself to you in My full glory, I wish it to be a day of joy and not of sorrow, a day dedicated to My Lord.

I am Elohil, the Angel of the Lord’s Covenant.18

(Communicated on 8 October 1898, Varna, Bulgaria)


First disciples (1899)

Peter Deunov’s spiritual diary, the spiritual messages he wrote down and the letters to his first disciples show the depth of his inner transformation in 1899 and 1900.19 In 1903 and 1904 Christ spoke through him to his pupils on three occasions.20 Later he would say: “I am not Christ, but Christ is in me. and Christ are One.”21

At the heart of the work of Peter Deunov stands the prophetic message that in the new Slavic culture of love and brotherhood Christ will return, and that He will establish his Kingdom in a more distant future, in the sixth cycle of cultures. The return of Christ (the Second Coming) initiates the New Age, proclaimed by the angel Elohil. It is in fact the New Age of Christ, who is returning, according to Peter Deunov, not in a physical body, but in the hearts of people, where he can be found.


Prophecy of the Second Coming of Christ (1910)

In October 1910 Peter Deunov announced the Second Coming of Christ, in the same year as Rudolf Steiner did (who spoke of the year 1933 as the beginning of the Second Coming):

Christ has already come. He has not, however, manifested himself in the way the churches have been expecting, but in a completely different way. Christ will come in 1914.22


18 In some editions the name ‘Elohim‘ is given.

19Dnevnik na Uchitelja Beinsa Duno (Peter Deunov), Sofia, 2001. Lichen belezhnik na Peter K. Deunov, Sofia 2010. Peter Deunov, Pisma do purvite uchenitsi, Sofia, 1999 and Peter Deunov and Penyu Kirov, Epistolarni dialozi, part 1, 1898-1900, Sofia, 2010 (part 2 is available on the internet).

20 Beinsa Douno, The Teacher, vol. 1, The Dawning Epoch, London 2016, p. 1-14.

21 Peter Deunov – Prorokut, Stara Zagora 2009, p. 111.

22 Beinsa Douno, The Teacher, vol. 1, The Dawning Epoch, London 2016, p. 15.

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