End of Days by Sylvia Browne


Humankind at the End of Days

I don’t think it’s productive to have any discussion about the end of our time on Earth that doesn’t explain the full context of what will happen to us before, during, and after. Without that, the subject of the end of days is nothing but sensationalism, a series of threatening, fear-inducing headlines that offer no hope and no reminder that we were living busy, productive, joyful lives before we came here, and we’ll go right on with those same lives when our days on this planet are over.

It’s simply a fact that as this century progresses, humankind will become more and more spiritually oriented. I’m seeing it already, every single day, in readings, lectures, and television appearances. Clients whose questions even five years ago were primarily focused on Mr. or Ms. Right, finances, career concerns, and health problems are now almost exclusively wanting to know about their spiritual goals—specifically, whether or not they’re on track in fulfilling those goals and whether or not they’re accomplishing the life purposes they set up for themselves.

This increasing global growth in spirituality as a priority is no accident and no coincidence. God didn’t create a whimsical, haphazard universe in which it’s a roll of the dice what might happen next. There’s an eternal order, a divine  plan that guides our spirits like an inescapable safety net, even when we’re too self-involved to believe that it’s there and that it will never, ever let us fall. God’s plan for us has existed since time began, and it will go right on existing into infinity. And it’s because of that plan that we can count on Earth becoming a far more God-centered place as the countdown to the end of days begins ticking away more loudly.

Preparing to Come Here









Later in this chapter I’ll describe the specifics of our arrival back Home and the perfect eternity of our lives there. For now, I want to remind you—and I do mean “remind” you, since your spirit remembers it perfectly—of the process we undertake when we decide to take a temporary break from the Other Side and come here to challenge our souls toward their highest possible advancement.

Life on the Other Side, as you’ll read in a while, is idyllic. It’s paradise. We’re surrounded by endless, exquisite beauty. We live among the angels and the messiahs, loved and loving, perpetually busy and stimulated, in a sanctified atmosphere that’s alive with the immediate, tangible presence of God.

It seems almost insane that from time to time we choose to leave Home for yet another incarnation on this harsh, imperfect planet. But as my Spirit Guide Francine always says when I complain to her about some particularly tough challenges I’m going through, “What have you learned when times were good?” Perfection, wonderful as it is, doesn’t inspire growth. And God created each of us with our own unique potential and a divine insistence on reaching that potential, no matter what it takes. On the Other Side we can study all we want about every subject that exists, including fear, negativity, temptation, violence, and cruelty. But studying those subjects without experiencing them is like reading every book to be found on driving a car without ever getting behind the wheel. Since fear, negativity, temptation, violence, and cruelty don’t exist at Home, we have to come here to confront it, grow from it, and ultimately overcome it, not only for the benefit of humankind but also for the progress toward the highest potential of our souls.

We never arrive on Earth without mapping out specific goals and challenges for ourselves, just as we’d never decide to attend college and then pull out of the driveway without having a clue what school we’re headed for, what courses we want to take, or where we’ll be living while we’re there. Our plans for each new incarnation are meticulously detailed, to guarantee the success of our trip away from Home. We choose

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