End of Days by Sylvia Browne

I’ve also found great spiritual comfort in the truth of the journey of the Dark Side. On one hand, I know that the perfect God I believe in could never really be vindictive enough to banish any of His children from His sacred presence for eternity. On the other hand, I couldn’t make peace with the idea that Ted Bundy and I, who are what I’ll politely call polar opposites on the subject of the sanctity of humanity, could end up in the very same embrace of the Other Side between lifetimes, as if there is no significant difference between my soul and the soul of a serial killer.

Now I know what sends Ted Bundy and other card-carrying members of the Dark Side through the Left Door for countless dark incarnations while most of us make it safely Home to the Other Side: the Dark Side defiantly turns their backs on a God who never did and never will stop loving them, which is the one thing most of us find as spiritually inconceivable as the Dark Side itself.

And to prove that our Creator really does love each of His children eternally and unconditionally, not even Dark Entities are doomed to horseshoe from the Left Door into the womb again forever. The spirits and angels on the Other Side are well aware of these lost spirits, and sooner or later they literally catch them in their quick transit from one dimension to  another and bring them Home to be embraced by God and infused with love again by the white light of the Holy Spirit, the only force powerful enough to reunite them with the sanctity of their souls.

The Dark Side at the End of Days

The continuous cycle Dark Entities experience when each incarnation ends—from Earth through the Left Door and right back in utero again—is obviously going to hit a serious snag when life on Earth is no longer possible: how can they horseshoe into an earthly womb when there are no longer any earthly wombs to be found? What will happen to the earth’s Dark Side after the end of days?





There is in this universe an infinite, unfathomable force field, a great “uncreated mass” we can’t begin to comprehend, a core from which the love and power of God emanate. This uncreated mass is where the rarest, most highly  advanced souls from every inhabited planet willingly end their journeys, forfeiting their identities to be literally absorbed into the essence of God’s force field. Once a spirit has given itself to that ultimate power, it never regains its previous identity. It doesn’t cease to exist, it simply becomes indistinguishable and inseparable from the mass of which it’s become a part. For example, picture pouring a cup of water into the Pacific Ocean. That cup of water hasn’t ceased to exist, but it can’t and won’t ever again be separated from the huge body that’s consumed it.

So there are those rare, supreme spirits who offer their very identities to God’s infinite uncreated mass. And it’s into that same ultimate sanctity that Dark Entities will be absorbed at the end of days, in a final, loving, holy embrace of purification by the One who created them and who never let their rejection of Him dissuade Him from adoring them.

Earthbounds at the End of Days

Earthbounds, or ghosts, as many of you know, are spirits who, for a variety of reasons, either see the tunnel that will take them to the Other Side when they die and reject it, or they refuse to acknowledge it at all. This leaves them stranded, outside of their bodies, caught between the lower vibrational level we exist in on Earth and the much higher-frequency vibrational level of Home.

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