End of Days by Sylvia Browne

lifetimes on Earth as well as on other planets, and whether or not they become public figures, they quietly touch the lives around them in ways that are almost transcendent in their impact. They seem divinely lit from within, and the rest of us are drawn to them, quite literally like moths to flames. They’re uncommonly peaceful, uncommonly empathetic, uncommonly spiritual, and uncommonly graceful in the often difficult work they’re here to do on God’s behalf. Mother Teresa was a Mystical Traveler. Joan of Arc was a Mystical Traveler. Thirteen-year-old poet, philosopher, and theologian Mattie Stepanek was a Mystical Traveler. There are more among us who may never become famous but who will leave no doubt about their spiritual brilliance for those who will never be the same because of them. And even more of them will gather on Earth as this century progresses, to lend their incomparable hearts, courage, and spirits to God’s greatest service while the end of days draws closer.

Then, rather than the eternity of divine perfection on the Other Side that most of us have to look forward to when life on Earth becomes impossible, Mystical Travelers will stop at Home just long enough to chart their next incarnation on any other planet in any other galaxy where God needs them most.

The Dark Side at the End of Days

The Dark Side is that segment of the population who’ve rejected God and His laws of humanity, integrity, compassion, and non-judgmental love. We’ll call them Dark Entities for this discussion, since their polar opposites, those who embrace and revere God and the white light of the Holy Spirit, are called White Entities. And don’t let it enter your mind that “dark” and “white” are references to race or skin color. The mere suggestion of any such thing is offensive.












God didn’t create the evil negativity that rules the Dark Side. What He did create are spirits endowed with free will. And some spirits used that free will to turn their backs on their Creator and pursue lives unencumbered by adoration of anyone but themselves. Dark Entities are their own gods, too narcissistic to believe in any being superior to them. They might profess a deep, profound belief in God, and they might even be able to recite the entire Bible by heart—if they think it will help gain the trust, allegiance, and adoration of someone they’re eager to manipulate and control. They might also be very fond of working Satan and other mythical devils into their monologues (Dark Entities only occasionally tolerate actual give-and-take conversation), but only when they’re facing consequences they don’t like and they need someone else to blame.

The Dark Side exists in both human and spirit form, just as we White Entities do. In human form, they look exactly like the rest of us. (Don’t forget, if it weren’t for the choices they’ve made, they’d be the rest of us.) They might be  a family member, a lover or spouse, a neighbor, coworker, a boss, a supposed friend. In spirit form, their negative energy can deeply affect everything from mechanical and electrical devices to our mental health without our even realizing what’s happening. But whether they’re in human form or spirit form, Dark Entities all share the same basic qualities:

  • They have no conscience, no sincere remorse, and no sense of responsibility for their actions. They take all the credit and none of the blame for everything that happens around them, and self-justification is their first and only response to criticism.
  • In psychiatric terms, they’re true sociopaths. They expertly mimic human behavior without ever really feeling it. They can simulate charm, sensitivity, empathy, love, regret, and piety to gain proximity to us. They promptly drop the act once they’ve won us over, though, having no further use for it and frankly finding it to be too much work. We White Entities, because our emotions and faith are genuine, have trouble imagining that we’ve been witnessing a performance. So we cling to our trust in them and our loyalty to them, trying desperately to reinspire that wonderful person we’re sure is in there because we saw them with our own eyes, unable to grasp that that wonderful person never really existed in the first place.

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