End of Days by Sylvia Browne

An Overview of the End of Days

As a psychic, I can see clearly through the end of this century. Beyond that, nothing. It’s as if sometime during the year 2100, the lights go out—not for the planet, but for us humans, who will have succeeded in making Earth uninhabitable in the next ninety-two years or so.

And it’s true, the earth itself won’t be destroyed at the end of days. There’s not a meteor shower out there with our name on it, the earth isn’t going to explode from a catastrophically overheated core, and it’s not going to drift out of its orbit too far from the sun to sustain life. From ancient civilizations to today’s experts, we’ve been warned over and over and over again: if we don’t take care of this sacred home we’ve been given, it won’t be able to provide us with shelter, food, and comfort any longer, just as surely as a house we abuse and neglect will be condemned as unfit for human habitation sooner or later.

The Next Ninety-two Years

It’s going to be an interesting century, that’s for sure, full of soaring highs and crushing lows, brilliant advances and inevitable steps backward, turbulent chaos and almost unprecedented peace as the countdown to the end of days proceeds.

Before I begin a breakdown of what lies ahead in the first forty-two years and the last fifty years of this century, I do want to offer a word of caution to our present and future presidential candidates. Sometime between 2008 and 2020 I see a sitting president dying in office of a heart attack. The vice president who assumes the presidency will stun the world by announcing his intention to declare war on North Korea in light of his accurate belief that they actually are in possession of weapons of mass destruction. His efforts to rally congressional and international support for this declaration of war will be resoundingly unsuccessful and the source of enormous alarm, and he’ll be assassinated before his term ends.





On a more positive note, before the end of 2010, to the chagrin of countless pharmaceutical companies, the common cold will be a thing of the past. I don’t know the specifics, but the cure will involve heat (duh). There’s a small self-contained cubicle that will become a common fixture in most clinics and doctors’ offices. At the first hint of a cold, patients will step into this cubicle for five or six minutes, where a combination of its precisely elevated temperature, an antibiotic vapor, and their own body heat will destroy the rhinitis germ that causes most colds, many allergies, and a variety of asthma-related illnesses. Speaking not just as a psychic but also as a victim of my share of colds every year, let me just assure medical and scientific researchers and pharmaceutical companies around the world that there’s a massive fortune to be made for whoever invents, perfects, and secures the patent on this cubicle.

And now, with those two special alerts out of the way, here are the broad strokes of the upcoming ninety-two years as I see them now. But never underestimate our power to influence the future, for better or worse, so don’t even think about taking these forecasts as an excuse to sit back, put your feet up, and stop trying. For most of us, this is our last visit to Earth. Let’s not set ourselves up for an eternity of wishing we’d made more of a difference while we were here.


The twenty-first century is going to usher in the arrival of an extraordinary flood of highly advanced spirits from the Other Side. In the next chapter we’ll discuss why that’s true. For now, it’s worth mentioning because of the great strides we have to look forward to in the areas of childbirth and infant care. The timing is no coincidence. We’re preparing for those highly advanced spirits by seeing to it that we give them the best start on earth we can possibly offer.

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