End of Days by Sylvia Browne

Among the laws that will be enacted during the Senate’s first six-year term will be:

  • the flat tax
  • tax bonuses for those with careers in the arts, education, law enforcement, and public service
  • national observance of all major holidays celebrated by all major religions, as well as a Day of Remembrance for Holocaust survivors, victims, and their descendants
  • “neutering” of all male and female pedophiles proved guilty by irrefutable evidence as a mandated part of their prison sentence
  • a public health system
  • driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, even on the first offense, will result in mandated inpatient rehab and detox, and the immediate seizure and auctioning of the vehicle to defray the rehab and detox expenses

As for a couple of other topics of national interest:

By 2020 we’ll see the end of IRAs, mutual funds, pension, and retirement plans, and yes, it’s true, the stock market.

And hard as it may be to believe at this moment, by the mid- 2020s the global image of the United States will be significantly rehabilitated. What’s fascinating is that we’ll accomplish this by shifting the vast majority of our humanitarian focus back on our own problems and their solutions. We’ll evolve into a nation that inspires rather than invades and be admired all the more for it.

I think it was in about 1972 that I announced on a San Francisco television show called People Are Talking, “We’re starting into a polar tilt.” I was as surprised by the announcement as the hosts of the show were, especially since I had no idea what a polar tilt was, and rarely has my office been as flooded with calls questioning my sanity as it was after that telecast.





It turns out that a polar tilt is a shift in the angle at which the earth tilts on its axis, toward or away from the sun, causing all sorts of changes in ocean currents and weather in general. Out of curiosity, my staff and I did a little research and discovered that a nineteenth-century Scottish scientist named James Croll wrote in 1875 about the climate changes caused by the tilt of the earth’s axis, and Edgar Cayce commented on the polar tilt as well.

That having been said, the polar tilt will reach its peak by 2020, in addition to which:

  • In around 2018 worldwide seismic activity will result in a rash of volcanoes and earthquakes. The resulting atmospheric dust will create enough pollution to cause disastrous crop failures in the early 2020s.
  • Rains approaching monsoon intensity will hit the eastern seaboard of North and South America in about 2025.
  • Between 2025 and 2030 dramatic tidal waves will hit the Far East and Florida. The Florida tsunamis will be the result of an unprecedented swarm of hurricanes.
  • In around 2026 a series of powerful tsunamis will crash into Japan. As a result of this major oceanic disturbance, a new land mass will emerge among the Hawaiian Islands.
  • The year 2029 will usher in a rash of meteor showers and the unceremonious return to Earth of some of the trash and debris we’ve abandoned during our space explorations. Fortunately, considerably more damage will be done to our topography and plant life than to our human and animal life.
  • Before the year 2050 I absolutely believe that in the wake of major volcanic and subterranean disturbances in the Atlantic and Indian oceans, both Atlantis and Lemuria will rise magnificently from their underwater graves.

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