End of Days by Sylvia Browne

all life.

  • Love, and express that love.
  • Be    Humility   is   the   gift   of   wisdom and understanding.
  • Be kind with one’s self and with
  • Share feelings and personal concerns and commitments.
  • Be honest with one’s self and with
  • Be responsible for these sacred instructions and share them with other nations.

The Aborigines

The Aborigines of Australia are believed to have been on this earth for more than eighteen thousand generations. They’ve been nomadic hunters and gatherers since their ancient beginnings, traveling and living in clans, orally passing along their culture, traditions, and beliefs to their progeny. The Aborigines revere nature. They revere their elders and their ancestors. They’re deeply committed to maintaining a balance between the practical and the spiritual aspects of their lives. And they embrace a gorgeous mythology called the “Dreamtime,” which lies at the heart of their faith.

The Dreamtime, woven through their lives in the most sacred and the most mundane ways, is at its core that time of creation when the Aborigines’ spirit ancestors moved through bare, unsanctified land and gave it its physical form and its sacred laws.

There was the Rainbow Serpent, who slithered across the earth forming rivers and valleys with its massive body.

There was Bila, the Sun Woman, whose fire lit the world.

There were Kudna and Muda, two lizardlike creatures who destroyed Bila. They were then so frightened by the darkness they’d created by killing the Sun Woman that they began hurling boomerangs into the sky in all directions, trying to bring back the light. Kudna’s boomerang flew into the eastern sky and a brilliant ball of fire appeared. The ball of fire slowly crossed the sky and vanished again beyond the western horizon, and day and night were born.











The countless spirits and stories of the Aborigines’ mythology form the exquisite foundation on which this ancient civilization built its reverence for all of nature and their belief that it is humankind’s privilege to live among and serve such hallowed creations.

Dreamtime is a reality of the Aborigines’ past, present, and future. It isn’t something that happened and was completed a very long time ago. It’s a continuing consciousness and responsibility, with tragic consequences if it’s ignored.

A prophecy from an Australian Aborigine tribal elder named Guboo Ted Thomas, orally preserved until it was finally committed to writing, reflects their profoundly simple faith and their vision of the end of days.

I was in Dreamtime.

I see this great wave going.

I tell people about this wave. It wasn’t a tidal wave.

This was a spiritual wave.

So, to me, I believe that the Dreamtime is going to be that.

I believe the revival is going to start in Australia when we’re Dreaming.

It’s the hummingbee that I’m talking about. And love.

We’ve got to learn to love one another.

You see, that’s really what’s going to happen to the earth. We’re going to have tidal waves.

We’re going to have earthquakes.

That’s coming because we don’t consider this land as our Mother.

We’ve taken away the balance, and we’re not putting back.

I look at the bush, and those trees are alive. They’re not dead, they’re alive.

And they want you to cuddle them.

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