End of Days by Sylvia Browne

our parents. We choose our siblings. We choose our birthplace and the exact time and date of our birth, which means we select every detail of our astrological chart. We choose every aspect of our physical appearance and every physical and mental challenge we’ll be facing. We choose our friends, our lovers, our spouses, our children, our bosses, our coworkers, our casual acquaintances, and our pets. We choose all the Dark Entities we’ll meet along the way. (More about Dark Entities later in this chapter). We choose every city, neighborhood, and house we’ll live in. We choose our preferences, our weaknesses, our flaws, our skills, and our areas of incompetence.

It’s a reliable assumption that the more difficult the circumstances a spirit charts for its new incarnation, the more advanced that spirit is in its journey toward perfection. One of the many things that makes my hair stand on end is when I hear some judgmental fool state as if it’s true that someone who’s mentally or physically challenged is “obviously” being punished for some sin they committed in a past life. Just exactly the opposite is true. The superior courage and wisdom it takes to chart a life involving any form of severe disadvantage is worthy of our greatest admiration and nothing less. It’s the definition of an advanced soul.

As this century progresses, more and more of these advanced souls will be incarnating. That’s not a guess or an assumption, it’s simple logic. We write our charts with full knowledge of the earthly “backdrop” against which we’ll be living the life we’re mapping out. Civil wars, world wars, the Great Depression, the Holocaust, the World Trade Center tragedy—every one of those events, every event no matter how historic or seemingly trivial, was and is anticipated on the Other Side by those who choose to be here and involved at the time. Again, the more difficult the life a soul charts for itself, the more advanced the soul that composed the  chart. Advanced souls have willingly participated in earthly cataclysms since the beginning of life on Earth, and advanced souls will willingly participate at the end.






By definition, then, as we approach the year 2100, we’re going to see more and more advanced souls volunteering to incarnate and be here for the end of days (if they choose, which we’ll discuss momentarily) . And as the population of advanced souls on this planet increases, the spirituality on Earth will become increasingly powerful, almost palpable, a global, inspiring, purifying wave of the divine.

In addition to the growing number of advanced spirits among us, my Spirit Guide Francine tells me that the veil between the dimension of the Other Side and the dimension of Earth is slowly but surely fading away. To understand that, you have to know that the Other Side is only three feet above our ground level. It simply exists on a frequency so much higher than ours on Earth that it’s difficult for us to perceive its presence. As this century progresses, the difference between these two frequencies will diminish, with the result that humankind will become increasingly aware of the spirit world of Home—i.e., increasingly at peace with the approaching end of days thanks to more and more reminders of where we came from and where we’re joyfully headed.

It’s worth noting that, just as I’m meeting more and more people whose spirituality is a top priority, I’m also meeting more and more people who are on their last incarnations on Earth. Remember, we choose when and how often to take these brief “field trips” away from the Other Side, and it’s not uncommon for a spirit to choose to come here dozens of times. (I’m on my fifty-second incarnation, for example, and my last, I’m delighted to add.) I’m convinced that some of us are on our last incarnations because we’ve learned all we feel we need to from the earthly experience, while others of us are simply aware that by the time we’d be considering another “field trip,” Earth won’t be able to sustain human life any longer. And I can’t stress enough, we’ll be perfectly content with the sacred bliss of eternity, not on this temporary plane we’re just visiting but on the divine dimension of our real Home.

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