End of Days by Sylvia Browne

  • As far as the Dark Side is concerned, we White Entities are nothing but a collection of walking mirrors. If their reflection through our eyes is flattering, we’re valuable to them. But the minute we catch on that we’ve been looking at a mask, and they no longer like the way they look in our “mirror, ” they’ll react in one of two ways—they’ll get as far away from us as possible, or they’ll repeat the award-winning performance that attracted us in the first place in the hope of attracting us again.
  • Dark Entities couldn’t care less about the laws of God or the laws of respectable They live by their own self-serving rules, which change at their convenience and don’t necessarily apply to anyone else around them. They view even their worst behavior as perfectly, invariably acceptable; but they might become outraged if someone else aims that same behavior at them. The result of this seeming inconsistency is that the White Entities close to them are kept constantly off balance, which gives the Dark Entity that much more power.
  • The goal of the Dark Entity isn’t to turn a White Entity dark. They know that can’t be done. Their goal is to extinguish the White Entity’s light, since darkness can’t exist where light is present. They don’t necessarily try to destroy the White Entity physically. More often they’ll simply create as much emotional turbulence, self-doubt, guilt, and depression as possible in as many White Entities they have access to, so that the White Entities lose their self-confidence, strength, and power.
  • Dark Entities rarely enjoy each other’s company—with no light to extinguish, no flattering reflection to gaze into, and no control to be gained over someone with the same bag of tricks, there would be no point.

Instead, they methodically and deliberately seek us out. And at least once in our lives, we’re likely to seek them out too. It has nothing to do with being stupid. It has to do with taking our spiritual responsibilities seriously and believing it’s our moral responsibility to reach out to someone we perceive to be lost, in trouble, or misunderstood.





Of course, it’s against our humanitarian instincts to turn our back on a child of God who needs us. But when it’s the Dark Side we’re up against, we’re wasting our time. A Dark Entity can’t be turned white, any more than a White Entity can be turned dark. We can’t appeal to a conscience that doesn’t exist; we can’t inspire genuine remorse in someone who takes no responsibility for their actions; and we can’t ignite sincere love in someone who only loves God Himself on an as-needed basis. I say this as both a spiritual psychic and as a person who’s learned the hard way: if there’s a Dark Entity in your life, in Jesus’s own words, “Shake off the dust from your feet [and] leave.” (Matthew 10:14)

No discussion of who Dark Entities are would be complete without making it clear who they aren’t. Not all murderers and other violent criminals are Dark Entities. Not everyone who’s ever hurt you is a Dark Entity. Not everyone who’s  ill- tempered or hard to get along with is a Dark Entity. Not everyone you don’t like, or who doesn’t like you, is a Dark Entity. There are White Entities I don’t like. There are White Entities who don’t like me. This isn’t about labeling people, or passing judgment, or worst of all, becoming a spiritual snob, which can be just as repelling as the Dark Side itself. It’s simply about learning how and why we need to pay close attention to who’s in our lives. True, we wrote every one of those people into our charts before we came here. But we wrote in some of them to teach us the wisdom of knowing when to walk away— the one area in which the Dark Side can be of use to us for a change.

They sound like the perfect candidates to be sent straight to hell, especially at the end of days, don’t they? You’re about to read, though, why I’ll never believe that hell is where any of us ends up.

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