End of Days by Sylvia Browne

Remember, the end of days on Earth will mean that this planet will be unable to sustain life, but the planet itself will remain intact. As long as Earth itself exists, our Other Side will exist. The same is true for every other inhabited planet and their respective Other Sides. And as inhabited planets become more spiritually advanced and less separate from one another—which we have to look forward to in the coming decades—their Other Sides will begin blending with the great, infinite, universal Other Side, especially when their environments will no longer support human life. If the earth were destroyed tomorrow, we and our Other Side would join the spirits whose planets have already completed their natural cycles, who are living the same joyful, sacred lives that wait for us among the stars, where our Home beyond Home called the Cosmic Other Side eternally thrives. To picture its location in the most beautiful possible way, think of the ancient imagery of “The Great Man” in the night sky.

The Great Man’s head is the constellation Aries. His feet are the constellation Pisces.

The rest of His body is outlined by the other ten constellations of the zodiac.

That is the closest we can come to imagining where we can look to find some hint of the Cosmic Other Side.

The Cosmic Other Side is as identical a reflection of the universe as our Other Side is of Earth, and it’s populated by incarnated spirits and messiahs from formerly inhabited planets that no longer exist.

All, of course, simply part of God’s promise that we are eternally safe and loved, and the lives he gave us are guaranteed to never end.

Leaving Earth, Going Home








I once appeared on Larry King Live with the late Mattie Stepanek, the theologian, philosopher, poet, and Mystical Traveler who passed away at the age of thirteen. Mattie, as most of you know, suffered for much of his life from a tragic inherited disease called dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy, and he was in a wheelchair when we met, speaking with the help of a respirator, the most cheerful, positive, self- assured, God-centered child you can imagine.

Larry King asked, “Mattie, are you afraid of death?”

And Mattie replied, “I’m afraid of dying, but I’m not afraid of death.”

I think there’s great universal truth in that statement, I’m just not sure I’ve ever heard it put more simply and clearly. As we anticipate the end of days, or just the end of our lives on Earth whenever and however they occur, isn’t it really the process of death that frightens us, as opposed to death itself?

Ask anyone who’s had a near-death experience and they’ll all tell you the same thing: they no longer have any fear of death whatsoever. That was true for Mattie Stepanek, and it’s true for me. I had a near-death experience when I underwent routine surgery at the age of forty-two. In fact, it’s fair to say I had an actual death experience, since the monitor keeping track of my vital signs flatlined for a few minutes. And I have the advantage of remembering every moment of it, so I can give you a firsthand account of exactly what happens when we die:

  • The legendary tunnel immediately appeared. It didn’t come from “up there somewhere.” Instead, it rose up from my body, seemingly from my own etheric substance. It didn’t lead up toward the sky, it led “across,” at maybe a twenty-degree angle, confirming what my Spirit Guide Francine had told me a million times—the Other Side really is a paradise that’s right here among us, only three feet above our ground level.
  • I had never felt, or been, so completely, thrillingly, vibrantly alive as I was when I moved through the tunnel. I felt free and weightless, relieved to be rid of my body and free from the pull of I was

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