The Adam and Eve Story

to bury prudery enough to make any significant progress in medicine. The progress of civilization can be measured by the change in man’s attitude toward woman in childbirth; read Devils, Drugs, and Doctors by Howard W. Haggard, M.D. I can remember when the Obstetrician was considered the lowest of the low in the medical profession. The male inferiority complex is manifested throughout history starting with the Old Testament; in seven centuries of the Inquisition, when 98% of the three million burned at the stake were women; through property rights, inheritance and voting laws; through income inequalities; and through burgeoning rape worldwide. Has he outgrown it yet?

If we look to our technical accomplishments – which have taken us over 6,900 years to achieve – think what we could do if we had 10,500 years. We would be in space as commonly as we walk around the block. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy would belong to the dead past; man-made gravity, which we know how to accomplish right now, and natural magnetism, which we also know how to use right now, would be the means for propulsion, power generation, and communications, as we would have learned the processes of nature sufficiently to duplicate them in controlled fashion for our uses.













It appears from the legends passed on from the Caspian Sea and Wisconsin eras that man did just that with the 10,500 and 14,750 year eras he had. Valmiki writes of Vimanas, of the Brahma Weapon and Indra’s Dart, of “celestial chariots” and more. Legends of Mu and Atlantis, of great technical achievements as well as moral perversions beyond comparison, spring from the Caspian Sea era. A few legends carry over into the 7,000 year Hudson Bay era, showing some retention of knowledge through the cataclysm of 18,543 years ago.

If we look to Nostradamus, we find that his predictions end about year 2,000 A.D. Whether we accept him or not, Edgar Cayce predicts a cataclysm about year 1,999 A.D. Hale’s mathematics indicates one to be coming about year 2,000 A.D.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m not satisfied with these figures; to me the cataclysm is due sometime between seven and two hundred years from now. If I had my “druthers” – meaning if the funding were available – I would put the entire subject to an intensive, all-out applied mathematics program to determine as precisely as possible how much time we have before the next cataclysm; then undertake an intensive study to determine what we must do in the time we have left to prepare for it.


Wouldn’t you?




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