The Adam and Eve Story

anthropology, palaeontology, and oceanography, plus cosmology and astronomy – and seismology and oceanography – and palaeo-languages such as prehistoric Mayan. Even evolution could not be ignored. Further, cross – correlation of the data between the sciences had in In honored. All of the foregoing gave the answer: although there is enough data in most sciences to indicate that these cataclysms happen, there was not enough in each science to derive the process or prove the concept; but between-science cross-correlation showed indeed that the concept was true. Not only did it verify that the events have happened, but disclosed when the last five cataclysms were, and what positions the shell of the Earth has been in for the last 35,000 or mine years. This was a first-time effort for certain.

So, after years of research, beginning in 1949, Cuvier’s challenge had an answer: Yes, indeed, cataclysms do happen; but I had not yet found the answer to his challenge, find the cause of these events. It would take me twenty more years to find the cause, the trigger of cataclysms. What makes them start? And further, exactly what is it that happens after it starts? What is the process of a cataclysm? Finally, what is the timetable of cataclysms? It was obvious already from the data that it was non-linear. Was it a mathematical function that we could derive from the data? Or is it random and frustrating in its unpredictability? The more learned, the more to be discovered and learned.










Meanwhile, what a chase! And what a dramatic story of the Earth’s history we uncovered: Civilizations of more than 20,000 years ago more advanced than our wildest imagination; prehistoric legends from Greece, Egypt, India, and South America which became history instead of legend; lost continents in the Atlantic and Pacific which became dated realities, with logical reasons for their sudden disappearance.

Yes, Vishnu came alive: a man who lived through a cataclysm many thousands of years ago – actually ten cataclysms ago! Now he is known as the Hindu god of ten resurrections from the waters. Osiris was rediscovered; he was the Jesus of his time – a man of Egypt, some 15,000 years ago. Noah smiled at us from the pages of The Epic of Gilgamesh; he actually was a Sumerian named Utnapishtim, who lived just around 7,000 years ago. The ark he built is more than legend.

The process of a cataclysm is known now.

Look at the cross-section of the Earth inside the front cover. You’ll see two molten layers – the yellow ones. The important one is the thin molten layer starting 60 miles down, extending 60 miles deeper to 120 miles below the surface of the Earth. The thick, deep molten layer, starting 1,800 miles down at the bottom of the mantle, and extending 1,300 miles deeper, is the outer core. Seismology has proven these two yellow layers to be molten, and they are white-hot. Over 2500 degrees Fahrenheit.




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