The Adam and Eve Story

cataclysm. You will have to decide how to survive over the long term afterward, if you do survive. You must pick a place to survive where survival is possible, the most likely place being on the eastern side of a mountain top which will be accessible when the time comes.

Most important of all, you will have to find away to protect yourself and your family through the criminally worsening precursor years and the following aftermath years. Surely you will have to have provisions, tools, lumber and supplies with which to build a storm refuge from the cataclysm, clothing, first aid, medical books, binoculars, firewood, means to start a fire, and a library with which to teach the young. Include the Ciba Pharmaceutical volumes by Frank Netter, M.D. Further, include my book, Natural Childbirth Self- Taught* – the only book written on the subject, and I have been teaching Natural Childbirth for 43 years.

In the preceding paragraph, I started by saying Most important of all, etc. How will you protect your family against attack when the police can’t? How will you protect your wife and daughters against gang rape and murder if the marauding gangs pay you a sudden visit? Those who have not prepared for a cataclysm far outnumber those who have. Those who have not will want what you have, and will kill you to get it. Both shortly before and after the cataclysm. You will be besieged by those begging you to share your provisions.

*Bengal Tiger Press, 1993                                      








They will appear to be nice families, wanting to share, wanting to help, and wanting what you have. Believe me, they will kill you to get it. If you look at history, let alone prehistory, when those who have no protection, they have not will kill the haves to get what they have. And they will destroy it to get it.

Are you ready to make an instantaneous decision to protect yourself and family? A decision which will make the lives and safety of yourself and your family inexorable? If you wait to see if your “visitors” have evil intent so that afterward you can take protective action, you and your family will wind up murdered, raped, and dead. And history dictates that you will be tortured just as a means of supplying your “visitors” with pleasure.

Survival is not a nice or easy picture to paint when all of the forces intended to protect and defend you have completely vanished. If you live at the time of a cataclysm, and have the time to prepare for it, you will have to assume attitudes and perspectives, principles and actions, and willingness to act, in multifaceted ways you never dreamed you would in order to survive. You will have to abide by the law until there is no law, then survive by the rules necessary to make survival possible under all potential onslaughts.




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