The Adam and Eve Story

been for all of written Greek history; but the pronunciation is not the same. In the time of Euclid, the pronunciation was changed to the “slang” of their time, it is told. Let’s compare the modern and old:


Alpha Alpaaha A-pah-ah-ha
Beta Beta Bay-tah
Gamma Kamma Kahm-ma.
Delta Telta Tell-ta.
Epsilon Epsilonom Ep-zill-oan-om
Zeta Zeta Zay-tah
Eta Etha Ayt-ha
Theta Thethehaha Thay-thay-ba-ha
Iota Iota Eye-oh-ah
Kappa Kapaa Kah-pah-ah
Lambda Lambeta Lam-bay-tah
Mu Mu Moo
Nu Ni Nee
Xi Xi Ksee
Omicron Omikleon Oh-mik-lay-on
Pi Pi Pie
Rho Laho Lah-A\oe
Sigma Zilkma Zee-ik-ma
Tau Tau Tah-oo
Upsilon Upazileon Oo-pa-zee-lay-ohn
Phi Pehi Pay-high
Chi Chi Kigh
Psi Pezi Pay-zigh
Omega Omecka Oh-mec-kah







If you read the old pronunciations out loud, it sounds very much like Polynesian! Plausibly, it is a summation of prehistoric Mayan words, which we can translate into English. Here, then is the Greek alphabet: Overwhelmingly break the oceans; They inundate the lands. Mother Earth receives the deep. Where obstructions are, shores form. Mighty winds rampage, where with oceans piling over oceans, they bury all that is living and moving. Where hills are, they vanish, buried, submerged with the earth of the motherland.

Mountain peaks alone stand forth before the onslaught on our planet which abates little by little until there comes the cold wind. The motherland is now at the bottom of the earth, an abyss, a vast reservoir of frozen mud. There comes out of volcanoes vapors pouring forth, with swirling smoke, and molten lava.










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