The Adam and Eve Story

deposited mud, frozen before the prints could deteriorate, remaining frozen for thousands of years to allow the mud prints to ossify for us to sec as dinosaur in rock beds today;

The correlation of ice ages, stone ages, and quick extinctions of all species the world over;

The survival of primitive life at the equatorial pivot points – the last two being the Malay Peninsula and the Galapagos, both now rife with lizards;

The existence of a coral reef on the floor of the Arctic Ocean;

And more, and more, and more, and more, give us a prehistoric historic picture of the positions of the Earth’s In II dining the past 35,000 or more years;

The overwhelming evidence, when put in order, gives a dramatic picture of which areas have been at the North Pole, when they moved to the pole, when they moved away from the pole, and how long they were there. The chart is on the next page.

Notice that the end of an era is the same as the start of the next era. Although the chart is in terms of years ago and years duration, do remember that the change from one era to the next occurs in a fraction of a day – short enough to be called abrupt.





Areas at North Pole


(North Polar Eras)

Start End Duration
(Years Ago) (Years)
Arctic Ocean 7,000 ? ?
Sudan Basin 11,500 7,000 4,500
Hudson Bay 18,500 11,500 7,000
Caspian Sea 29,000 18,500 10,500
Wisconsin ? 29,000 /



Yes, Noah, Adam and Eve, Osiris, Ta’aroa, Zeus, and Vishnu have much deeper meaning now; and, as they join hands and walk with us, we hear Adam and Eve saying:

“Listen – for now we can truly share our story with you!”




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