The Adam and Eve Story

The next step is to label the ring numbers with the planets as they are actually positioned in the Solar System. We can simplify the table if we take all of the ring numbers up to 8; then only the fundamentals, 1st, and second harmonics beyond that to Uranus; then the fundamentals, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd harmonics to ring 256.

The first thing that we notice is that all of the planets are on fundamentals except Neptune. It’s the only planet which is on a harmonic ring, as it appears on the first harmonic 96 between Uranus and Pluto, which are on fundamentals 64 and 128 respectively.

Now we come to another discovery. The number of rings between the planets increases the farther away from the Sun the planets are, until it appears that the maximum number of rings possible between planets is 31. On each 32nd ring there has to be a planet whether die ring is a fundamental or a harmonic. That’s why Neptune is on the 96th ring, a 1st harmonic, the 32nd ling after Uranus, with Pluto on the 128th ring, a fundamental, the 32nd ring after Neptune.

Something else appears apparent also: When the Solar System was born, planets tried to be born on each ring. Full-blown planets were born on every fundamental, and on any ring 31 rings away from any











harmonic ring 31 rings away from any other planet. On all other rings, minor planets were horn, or a ring of planetoids. Since there are four major planets inside the ring of planetoids on 8, let’s assume that the entire Solar System is made up of three groups of four major planets plus a ring of planetoids in each group. This means that there may be two more undiscovered planetoid rings, 112 and 240. If we look at the minor planet rings on either side of Jupiter, and apply Kepler’s laws to them, we find that the moons of Jupiter – even the retrograde ones – are explained as captured minor planets from both inside and outside harmonic rings around Jupiter.

Before we examine the results of our construction, let’s look into the outer regions of the Solar System: Ring 256 is where the comets turn around and head back into the heart of the system. Further, it is known that there is more than one planet outside Pluto; our table tells us that there should be three planets on rings 160, 1 92, and 224. The total number of rings tells us that there is a fantastic number of captured and uncaptured minor planets yet to be discovered. The junk of the Solar System!

Let’s look at the abbreviated table of the Solar System – the first orderly interpretation of Bode’s Law. Ring 256 appears to be where the Sun’s belt of protons is. The belt must exist, since the Sun’s magnetic field is bipolar; furthermore, it has to be outside the planets




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