The Adam and Eve Story

activities by a catastrophic inundation. Further, evidence shows that this fabulous city suffered the same fate as Easter Island: although the Rockies and Andes were started in this cataclysm, Tiahuanaco was buried under the Pacific, to remain there for almost 5,000 years, then to be heaved up to its present altitude of 12,500 feet in the last cataclysm about 7,000 years ago-

So the cataclysm of 11,500 years ago saw the Hudson Bay and the opposite area just southwest of Australia both roll to the equator on opposite sides of the Earth, and the Sudan basin roll to the North Pole, to remain there for about the next 4,500 to 5,000 years. While this shift was occurring, taking only 1/4 to 1/2 a day to complete itself, the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere, through angular momentum, kept rotating in their normal direction during most of the shift, with (he oceans violently inundating most of the lands of the Earth at supersonic speeds, and the atmosphere bringing unimaginable hurricanes of supersonic wind velocities. Whole continents were subjected to tremendous upheavals and earthquakes. Huge mountain ranges were created. The 60-mile thick molten layer below the 60-mile thick shell of the Earth broke through the shell in places all over the world, and was thereafter called “Earth-fire” by the pitiful few who survived.

Pitiful Few? The whole Earth? Best estimates are less than one percent of all life on our Earth.









The oceans and winds took six days after the start of the cataclysm to resolve their holocaustic wars on the surface of the Earth, and on the seventh day began to settle down to about 5,000 years of normal activity and complacency. The two-mile thick ice caps of the Laurentian Basin and the Indian Ocean, having shifted from their polar homes and started a new course of revolving equatorially, proceeded to melt at tremendous speeds in the torrid heat, carving great grooves in the mountains as the rushing, gushing, swirling water and ice overwhelmed everything in their paths . The great amounts of moisture being poured into the atmosphere were to shroud the Torrid Zone in a dark fog for many years during several generations. The oceans rose some 200 to 300 feet all over the world with the sudden melting of the ice caps as they do after each cataclysm.

The end of the Laurentian Ice Age and the start of the “old stone age” was complete.

The Mayan tongue lived on in scattered remnants: Polynesian tongues, Greek, Yakut, Egyptian, Eskimo tongues, Nomadic, Oriental, German, American Indian – just about all languages. The resurrection from the waters – Tau – lived on in many stories from the Pacific of a man who survived, later to become Ta’aroa, Tongaroa, or Taroa’a, depending on which tribe’s legend you find. Adam and Eve could have sprung from the same story. Who knows?




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