The Adam and Eve Story

Greed has so invaded civilization that it has caused severe degradation of both the government and the finance industry – and so degraded industry that disregard of both laws and common sense is practiced concerning the infusion of terrible pollutants into and onto our planet – practiced in the interest of profit.

Natural resources are being depleted to where ends of supplies in nature can be foreseen.

Behavioral, moral, social and religious standards are deteriorating at a rate never seen before in written history. Terrorism is now a tool of church and state. The only comparable period is the seven centuries of the Inquisition, when that period of deterioration was through degradation of religious authority.

A cataclysm accomplishes many things: it stops unbridled and irresponsible reproduction, being the best population regulator known; it reshuffles all of the earth’s natural resources; it stops the worldwide pollution of our planet, and provides for the restoration of pure water in lakes, rivers and oceans; it provides for the restoration of forests and rain forests the world over; and stops man’s process of dehumanizing himself with narcotics, mass crime, and terrible authority. It provides time for restoration of ocean and freshwater life, plus restoration of a pure atmosphere.

And, above all, it gives mankind a chance to start over once more – and this time do it right – without intellectual or spiritual imprisonments.










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