The Adam and Eve Story

Now is just about the right time to review the aftereffects of a cataclysm. It’s difficult to imagine, but it’s so, it’s so – there are constructive byproducts of every cataclysm.

In past cataclysms – or perhaps due to only one cataclysm – some species have been eliminated which had hampered the growth of civilization and progress by the human race; a good example is the dinosaurs.

Our civilization, since the last cataclysm – known as Noah’s, or Utnapishtim’s flood – grew steadily at a reasonable rate until just a few centuries ago, when it started an upward turn in reproduction rate which is now rampant, uncontrolled, and with no concern for any responsibilities or consequences whatsoever.

During the time of reasonable growth, appalling and unchallenged authority was vested in religions and witch doctor. If we look at one statistic alone, the Inquisition, which lasted over seven centuries, there were over three million humans executed in the warped name of Christianity, most by burning alive at the stake. Ninety-eight percent of those murdered by the church were women!

Appalling authority exists today on a stupendous scale in slavery, prostitution, female-selling, law, judiciary, medicine, banking, government, plus an astounding authority in being a criminal, a rapist,









just a husband in many countries, religions, narcotics trade strong enough to defeat the IRS – plus including any government – and more.

We are witnessing an assault on our planet on a scale incomparable to any other time in known history. Pollutants dumped into the ocean are destroying the oceanographic ecology worldwide. Pollutants dumped into the atmosphere from burning organic matter are destroying our air purity worldwide. Pollutants dumped into rivers are destroying those rivers, but further destroying the oceans into which the rivers flow. Rain forests of the world are being destroyed and burned at a rate which is staggering. Timber forests are being harvested and destroyed at an unprecedented rate.

Take Cape Cod, Massachusetts, for instance. It is a unique, modern civilization in today’s modern U.S.A, in that it has no water supply system other than ground water. Wells arc the only source of water; and further, the only sewage system available is septic tanks. City governments on the Cape have allowed developers and builders to build and develop, build and develop, – bringing more pollutants – until the ability of the ground to give pure water and take in sewage is not far from its ultimate doom.

And financial pollution? It took World War II to end our 1930’s depression; will it take the next cataclysm to terminate our government’s financial debauchery?




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