The Adam and Eve Story

Very few cosmic rays normally penetrate that shield. During a cataclysm, when the shield is totally broken up, cosmic rays gain complete access to the Earth, bombarding it in plethora. Of the very, very few who survive, some have been struck by cosmic rays; .some have not. It is impossible to determine the ratio.

Georges Cuvier was the first to study fossil bones in light of the environment in which they were found. Some were found in one sedimentary strata; some in another; and some in another, and so on and so on. He was also the discoverer of the relative structure of bones of different species, and the definition of an entire skeleton based on comparative anatomy which he himself had discovered and established. What a pioneer! He could be given a piece of a bone, or a tooth, and tell you exactly which species it belonged to.

Cuvier noted that the species found in one strata seemed to be totally wiped out, suddenly, by the deposit of the strata in which they were found, and the next upper strata would contain new species with no antecedents whatsoever. Without realizing it, he had discovered the mutations of species caused by cataclysms. Those species – including humans – which and who had had their gonads bombarded by cosmic rays, had a genetic change wrought in the sperms or eggs they were carrying, and/or in the parent cells in their gonads. Consequently, a random result occurred: their offspring varied randomly in the degree of mutation, but nevertheless mutation was universal in









the offspring of parents, one or both of whom had had their eggs and/or sperms bombarded by cosmic rays. The offspring resulting from mutated parent cells was and is totally unpredictable.

If we utilize the modern mathematical science of applied mathematics, it tells us that it is impossible to have upgrading species through mutation. It is equally impossible to have an even crossover in quality from normal parents to mutated offspring. The sure bet is that mutational offspring represent the most sudden degradation of the genes to varying, random degrees.

If we again use applied mathematics, that science tells us that it is utterly impossible that the human being is a result of millions, perhaps billions of years of upgrading evolution from a single cell. It has to be that the human being is a result of a design and resulting productions of two variations of that design: male and female.

You can name any source as the creator of that design and producer of the first models, male and female. If you were to ask me, I could tell you the exact steps which had to be undertaken to produce the living products. I could tell you how the design produced both male and female – a product of sheer genius. Do you know that we are that close to being able to create male and female ourselves? Someday I’ll probably be writing and making speeches about it.




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