Destiny Of Souls

Destiny Of Souls

Demons or Devas



I think it is fitting that I close this chapter with a summary of some misconceptions we have about the existence of evil spirits, good spirits and spiritual influences on Earth. If I step rather heavily on any pet theories of the reader, please understand that my statements come from the reports of many hypnosis subjects in my practice. These subjects do not see the devil or demonic spirits floating around Earth. What they do feel when they are spirits is an abundance of negative human energy exuding the intense emotions of anger, hate and fear. These disruptive thought patterns are attracted to the consciousness of other negative thinkers who collect and disseminate even more disharmony. All this dark energy in the air works to the detriment of positive wisdom on Earth.

The ancients thought demons were flying beings who occupied the regions between heaven and Earth and were not particularly wicked. The early Christian church elevated demons to the status of “evil rulers of darkness.” As fallen angels, they were able to disguise themselves as messengers of God rather than Satan in order to deceive humans. I think it is fair to say that within the more liberal religious communities today, demons represent our own inner misguided passions that can get us into trouble.

In all my years of working with souls, never once have I had a subject who was possessed by another spirit, unfriendly or otherwise. When I made this statement at one lecture, a man raised his hand and said, “That is all very well, O great guru, but until you have placed everyone in the world under hypnosis don’t tell me about the absence of demonic forces!” Of course, this is a valid argument against my hypothesis that such things as soul possession, evil demons, the devil and hell don’t exist. Nevertheless, I can come to no other conclusion when all of my subjects, even those who came to me with conscious beliefs in demonic forces, reject the existence of such beings when they see themselves as spirits.

Once in a while a client comes to me convinced they have been possessed by an alien entity or some sort of malevolent spirit. I have had other clients who believe an evil curse has been placed upon them from some past life behavior. As my hypnosis regression session moves into the superconscious mind of these people, typically we find one of three conditions:

  1. Almost always the fear proves to be absolutely
  2. Occasionally, a friendly spirit, often a dead relative, has been trying to reach My distraught client has misinterpreted the intent of this spirit who only wished to bring comfort and love. There has been miscommunication between the sender and receiver. Souls have little trouble with telepathy between themselves, but this does not mean all souls are adept communicators with incarnated people.
  3. Very rarely, a disturbed, inept spirit has made contact because of some unresolved karmic issues they have on We saw this in case 14.

Researchers into the paranormal have come up with three more reasons which ought to be added to my own as to why certain people believe they have been possessed by a demon:

  1. Emotional and physical abuse as a child, which create feelings that the adult abuser represents an evil power who has total
  2. Multiple Personality
  3. Periodic increases in the actions of electromagnetic fields around Earth which are sufficient enough to disrupt brain activity in a disturbed

The possibility that people can be possessed by a satanic being comes right out of medieval belief systems. It is fear based and the result of theological superstition that has ruined countless lives over the last thousand years. Much of this nonsense has dissipated in the last two hundred years, but it lingers with the fundamentalists. The exorcism of demons is still practiced by some religious groups. Frequently, I find that clients who come to me with concerns about possession have lives which seem to be out of their control and filled with a variety of personal obsessions and compulsions. People who hear voices commanding them to do bad things are likely to be schizophrenic—they are not possessed.

Our physical world may have unhappy or mischievous spirits floating round, but they do not lock in and inhabit the minds of people. The spirit world is much too ordered to allow for such muddled soul activity. Being possessed by another being would not only abrogate our life contract but destroy free will. These factors form the foundation of reincarnation and cannot be compromised. The idea that satanic entities exist as outside forces to confuse and subvert people is a myth perpetuated by those who seek to control the minds of others for their own ends. Evil exists internally, initiated within the confines of the deranged human mind. Life can be cruel but it is of our making here on this planet.

Assuming that we are born evil, or that some external force has occupied the mind of an evil person, makes malevolence easier for some people to accept. It is a way of rationalizing premeditated cruelty, preserving our humanity, and absolving ourselves of responsibility individually and collectively as a race. When we see cases of serial killers, or those of children who kill other children, we might label these people as either “born killers” or under outside demonic influences. This saves us the trouble of finding out why these murderers enjoy inflicting pain by acting out their own pain.

There are no soul monsters. People are not born evil. Rather they are corrupted by the society in which they live, where practicing evil satisfies the cravings of depraved personalities. This emanates from the human brain. Studies of the psychopath have shown that the excitement of inflicting pain on others without remorse satisfies an emptiness they feel within themselves. Practicing evil is a source of power, strength and control for inadequate people. Hate takes away the reality of a hateful life. The warped minds of these executioners tell them, “If life is not worth living for me, why not take it away from somebody else.”

Evil is not genetic, although if a family has a history of violence and cruelty to their children, these acts are often passed on from one generation to the next as learned behavior. Violence and dysfunctional behavior from one adult member of a family is an internal emotional reaction that spills over to contaminate other younger members. This can lead to compulsive and destructive behavior from children of that family. How do these genetic and environmental disruptions to the body affect our soul?

What I have found in my practice is that a soul’s energy force may, during troubled times, dissociate from the body. There are those who feel they don’t even belong to their bodies. If conditions are severe enough, these souls are prone to thoughts of suicide—but usually not taking the life of another. I will have more to say about this condition in upcoming chapters. Part of this turmoil stems from conflicts between the soul’s immortal character meshed to the temperament of a host brain with all its genetic baggage. There may also be influences of abnormal brain chemistry and hormonal imbalances affecting the central nervous system that might contaminate the soul.

Another element I find is that immature souls often have difficulties handling the poor mental circuitry of disturbed human beings. There is a counteraction of the soul self versus the human self. A push-me pull-you force is struggling to present a single ego to the world and not doing very well in the process. These are internal, not external forces at work. A disturbed mind does not need an exorcist but a competent mental health therapist.

Souls don’t represent all that is pure and good about a body or they wouldn’t be incarnating for personal development. Souls come to Earth to work on their own shortcomings. In terms of self-discovery, a soul may choose to act in conjunction with, or in opposition to, its own character in the selection of a human body. As an example, a soul combating tendencies toward selfishness and indulgence might not mix well with a human ego whose emotional temperament is disposed to engaging in hostile acts for self-gratification.

Quite often, troubled people have suffered painful environmental trauma such as physical and emotional abuse as children. They have either internalized themselves, creating a shell to hide behind their pain, or externalized by mentally moving outside their bodies on a regular basis. These defense mechanisms are a means of survival to preserve our sanity. When a client tells me that they love to “tune out” and practice astral projection because the out-of-body experience makes them feel more alive, I look for disturbances. Indeed, I may not find anything other than curiosity, but an obsession with being away from the body indicates a desire to escape from current reality.

It is perhaps for this reason I am troubled by the walk-in theory as another escape mechanism. I believe the whole idea of walk-ins to be a false concept. According to the proponents of this theory, tens of thousands of souls now on this planet came directly into their physical body without going through the normal process of birth and childhood. We are told that these possessing souls are enlightened beings who are permitted to take over the adult body of a soul who wants to check out early because life has become too difficult. Therefore, the walk-in soul is actually performing a humanitarian act, according to devotees of this theory. I call this possession by permission.

If this theory is true, then I must turn in my great-guru white robe and gold medallion. Not once, in all my years of working with subjects in regression, have I ever had a walk-in soul. Also, these people have never heard of any other soul in the spirit world associated with such practices. In fact, they deny the existence of this act because it would abrogate a soul’s life contract. To give another soul permission to come in and take over your karmic life plan defeats the whole purpose of your coming to Earth in the first place! It is deluded reasoning to assume that the walk-in would wish to complete their own karmic cycle in a body originally selected and assigned to someone else. If I am a senior in a high school trigonometry class, would I leave my class and go down the hall to a freshman algebra class where a student is struggling with an exam and tell him I’ll finish the exam for him so he can leave early? This is a lose-lose situation for both students—and what teacher would permit it?

The whole walk-in theory is like suicide, although it is supposed to combat suicide by allowing the walk-out soul to escape responsibility for straightening out their life. The walk-out soul relinquishes ownership of its host body so a more advanced spirit who does not want to go to all the trouble of being in a child’s body can take over. This is one of the major flaws of possession by permission. From everything I have learned about body assignments, it takes years for a soul to fully meld its energy vibrations with that of a host brain. The process begins when the baby is in a fetal state. All the essential elements of who we really are come from the soul assigned to a specific body from the beginning. Consider first the three I’s emanating from the soul: imagination, intuition and insight. Then add such components as conscience and creativity. Do you think the adult human mind is not going to recognize the loss of its partner Self to a new presence? Now, that would drive a host body insane as opposed to healing it. I tell people not to worry about losing their soul—it’s with us for the duration because there are good reasons for having the particular body you occupy.

Souls take their responsibility very seriously, even to the extent of being inside nonfunctional bodies. They are not materially trapped. For instance, a soul may inhabit a comatose host body for many years and not abandon it until death. These souls are able to roam freely across the land visiting other souls who might be making brief trips away from their bodies during normal sleep states. This is especially true of souls in the bodies of babies. Souls are very respectful of their host body assignments, even if they are bored. They leave a small portion of their energy so they can return quickly if needed. Their wavelengths are like homing beacons who have “fingerprinted” their human partners.

When a soul’s energy does leave the human body, this does not provide an opportunity for some demonic being to rapidly move in and occupy a vacant mind. This is another superstition. Aside from the nonexistence of such demonic beings in the first place, the mind is never completely vacant of a traveling soul’s energy. A malevolent entity would be unable to squeeze in, even if it did exist.

Evidently, residents of the spirit world are quite aware of our enthrallment with dark and nefarious specters who pose a danger to the soul. I have a most unusual and defining case which brought this to my attention. The ironic engagement of demonology employed in case 18 by my subject’s teacher toward his hapless student is outrageous and unconventional but effective. This case illustrates how the almost brutal use of humor can be graphically applied in the spirit world to define our shortcomings on Earth.

Case 18 concerns the death experience of an evangelical preacher of the 1920s. This man had spent a lifetime seeing the devil in every nook and cranny of his town in the deep South. During my review of this life with the client who carried these memories, I was told, “My parishioners were shaken to their bones with my fiery sermons of the hell awaiting all sinful transgressors.” I will begin this case with a scene as it unfolded right after my subject reaches the gateway.


Case 18

Dr. N: You say that although things are not too clear, you are floating in bright light and someone is coming toward you?

S: Yes, I am kind of disoriented. I haven’t gotten used to things around here yet.

Dr. N: That’s fine, just take your time and let the figure float toward you as you float toward it.

S: (long pause, and then with a loud horrified exclamation) OH, GOD. NO!

Dr. N: (startled by this outcry) What’s going on?

S: (subject’s body begins to shake uncontrollably) OH . . . OH . . . LORD ALMIGHTY! IT’S THE DEVIL. I KNEW IT. I’VE GONE TO HELL!

Dr. N: (grasping subject by the shoulders) Now, take a deep breath and try to relax as we go through this together. (then, softly) You are not in hell . . .

S: (cuts in with a shrill tone of voice) OH, YEAH—THEN WHY DO I SEE THE DEVIL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?

Dr. N: (my subject’s face is now covered in sweat and I use a tissue to wipe some of it away while continuing to reassure) Try to calm yourself, there is some misinterpretation here and we will find it soon.

S: (paying no attention to me, the subject now begins to moan while rocking back and forth) Ohooo . . . it’s over for me . . . I’m in hell . . .

Dr. N: (I break in now more forcefully) Tell me exactly what you see.

S: (whispering at first and then loudly) A . . . being . . . demonic . . . reddish- green face . . . horns . . . wild-eyed . . . fangs . . . the facial skin is like charred wood . . . O SWEET JESUS, WHY ME OF ALL PEOPLE, WHO SPOKE SO MUCH IN YOUR NAME?

Dr. N: What else do you see?


Dr. N: (quickly) I meant the rest of the body. Look below the head and tell me what you see.

S: (with a violent shudder) Nothing . . . just a wispy ghostlike body.

Dr. N: Stay with me. Doesn’t this seem unusual to you—that the devil would appear with no body? Move forward in time rapidly now and tell me what this figure does.

S: (my subject’s body jerks up violently and then with a great sigh of relief he sags back into the chair) Oh . . . that bastard . . . I might have known . . . it’s SCANLON. He is taking his mask off and smiling wickedly at me . . .

Dr. N: (now I can relax) Who is Scanlon?

S: My guide. This is his crude idea of a joke.

Dr. N: What does Scanlon really look like now?

S: Tall, aquiline features, gray hair . . . full of mischief-making, as usual. (laughs with bravado, but still not fully recovered) I should have known. He caught me unawares this time.

Dr. N: Does Scanlon make a habit of this sort of thing? Why frighten you just as you were coming into the spirit world a little disoriented?

S: (defensively) Listen, he is a great teacher. That’s his way. He has got our whole group using masks but he knows I don’t like them much.

Dr. N: Tell me why Scanlon used a devil’s mask to scare you right after this life? Talk to him now.

Note: I am quiet for a few moments while my subject mentally connects with Scanlon.

S: (after a period of silence) I had it coming. Oh, I know it! I spent a lifetime preaching about the devil, scaring good people . . . telling them they were going to hell if they didn’t pay attention to me. Scanlon gave me a dose of my own medicine.

Dr. N: And how do you feel now about his methods?

S: (chagrined) He made his point.

Dr. N: I want to ask you a blunt question. Did you really believe what you told your parishioners about seeing demonic forces everywhere, or were you motivated by something else?

S: (intensely) No, no—I believed what I was saying about evil being everywhere in every person. I was not a hypocrite.

Dr. N: Are you sure it wasn’t false piety? You did not pretend to feel and be what you were not?

S: No! I believed it. My undoing was my method of preaching and the love of the power over others that this ability gave me. Yes, I admit that failing . . . I made life miserable for some of my flock . . . not seeing the essential goodness in people. I was always suspicious because of my obsession with evil and this corrupted me.

Dr. N: Do you feel part of what you became was the result of the body you chose in this life?

S: (in a flat voice) Yes, I lacked restraint. I chose a body with a feisty mind and allowed myself to be swept away. I was too confrontational as a preacher.

Dr. N: And do you know why your soul mind chose to enter into this partnership in the body of a preacher who constantly intimidated people?

S: Oh, I . . . shit . . . I let it happen because it felt good to be in control . . . I was afraid of . . . not being taken seriously enough.

Dr. N: You were worried about the loss of control?

S: (long pause) Yes, that . . . I would be . . . inadequate.

Dr. N: By his use of a devil’s mask, do you think Scanlon demeans what you stood for in the church?

S: No, that’s my teacher’s way. I chose the body of a minister and he helped me with all this. I took a wrong turn—it was not the wrong path. My faith was not a bad thing but I became misguided and I misguided others.

Scanlon wants me to see what it feels like to scare people rather than reason with them. He wanted me to feel the same fear that I gave to others.

Note: I now move my subject into a group setting to learn more about how Scanlon teaches his students through the use of masks.

Dr. N: Who is the first person who comes to you?

S: (hesitates and is wary) It’s . . . an angel . . . soft glowing white . . . wings . . . (then, with recognition) OKAY, I’M ON TO ALL OF YOU. ENOUGH!

Dr. N: Who is this angel?

S: My dear friend, Diane. She has removed her angel’s mask and is laughing and hugging me.

Dr. N: I’m a little confused. Souls can assume any shape or create any features they want. Why bother with masks?

S: The mask is similar to a figure of speech, a symbol one can hold in the hand to put on and pull off for effect. Diane is offsetting Scanlon’s huge joke by being a loving angel for me while the others are laughing at what happened to me.

Dr. N: What kind of individual is Diane?

S: Very loving and full of humor. She likes practical jokes, as does most of my group. They all know I take things too seriously. I don’t like the masks very much so they tease me.

Dr. N: During your lessons, are masks used as a means of teaching about right and wrong behavior?

S: Yes, they are a means of acknowledgment of good or poor thinking, misconceptions . . . they identify aspects of our character which are positive and those which are undesirable and we can role play with each other.

Dr. N: Did Scanlon originate the use of this sort of prop for your group lessons?

S: (laughs) Yes, and what he does makes an impression.


This was a strange case and I’ll admit Scanlon had me going for a few minutes when I thought this client was taking me to a place no other had before. The treatment this subject received at the gateway by the use of a devil mask is an anomaly. Moreover, I have never encountered a guide whose behavior had such extravagance and provocation.

In the chapters ahead we will see how drama plays an important part in soul group activity. The use of masks by Scanlon’s group as a symbolic gesture to embody a belief system is rather unique in my experience. Masks do have a long tradition in our cultural life, where personification of divine and demonic power has been used to mock spirits which are feared and honor those spirits that are venerated. The devil mask has a history of tribal exorcism toward a harmful spirit. Case 18 is one where mythic spiritual practices were taken from Earth by a soul group director to serve as a wake-up call for his students.

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