Destiny Of Souls

Destiny Of Souls

The Three Stations



Receiving our own energy at the gateway is not really a common occurrence. This is probably due to the initiation of recovery by a shower of healing near the gate. I do hear about it once in a while though, as with the soul in my next quote whose deceased husband brought a small remaining portion of her energy to the first stop. She explained the circumstances this way:

My love could easily handle the little energy I saved. He brought this to me and spread it over me gently with his hands like a blanket as we were embracing. He knew how old and tired I was and he asked to come. Once contact is made, the rest of my energy comes into me as a magnet. I feel so expanded by it. The first thing I notice is that I can read his mind so much better telepathically and I sense so much more of what is around me.

When our guides conclude that it would be an advantage to have more of our energy at the second station during orientation, this decision has different ramifications. Basically, the decision rests on the belief that our debriefing from a difficult life will be more productive. Then, too, we might not be returning to our spirit group for some reason right after orientation. Here is an example of soul reunification at this stop:

I am in a plain room which looks futuristic with smooth, milk-white walls. There is a table and two chairs—this furniture has no edges. My guide, Everand, is concerned over my lack of responsiveness. She is about to perform what we call “melting the physical form.” She holds the rest of my energy in a beautiful, translucent vessel which radiates. Everand comes forward, pressing it into my hands. I feel the upsurge of my energy as an electrical charge. Then she moves close to me, stimulating my natural vibrational frequency to accept more easily what I left behind. As my core center is filled with my own essence, the outer shell of my physical body imprint is melted off.

It is as if I were a dog shaking off water droplets from my fur after getting wet. The unwanted earthly particles are jarred loose— dissolved—and my energy now begins to sparkle again instead of being a dull light.

The usual way most souls reunite with the balance of their energy is after returning to a cluster group. A subject put it this way. “It is smoother for me to reunite with myself after I arrive at home base with my friends. Here the infusion of my rested energy can be assimilated at my own pace. When I am ready, I go get it myself.”


Case 25

This case excerpt is from a discussion I had with a soul called Apalon, who discussed her reunification upon arriving home in a more flamboyant way than the soul in the quote above. Apalon is a level II soul who has just returned to the spirit world from a hard life in Ireland as a poor woman who died in 1910. Although physically strong and self-reliant, Apalon was married to a domineering, alcoholic husband and had to raise five children virtually alone. She suffered from a lack of personal freedom and self-expression. I see Apalon’s welcoming home party as a reflection of a job well done after this difficult life.

Dr. N: Tell me, Apalon, after you have finished with the initial greetings from your spirit group, does the time soon arrive when you unify with your own energy reserve?

S: (grinning) My guide Canaris enjoys making a ceremony out of unification.

Dr. N: With the energy you left behind?

S: Yes, Canaris goes to an alcove in our enclosure where my energy is stored in a glass urn, waiting for me. It is under his care.

Dr. N: I gather your reserve energy has not been too active since your absence. What percentage of the total did you leave behind?

S: Only 15 percent—I needed a lot for my Irish life. This part was able to engage with my group and I could move around our area but I didn’t participate in recreational diversions.

Dr. N: I understand, but is this weakened 15 percent a completely whole representation of your soul?

S: (vehemently) Absolutely—only a smaller version of me.

Dr. N: And was this 15 percent of you able to keep up with group lessons and greet people while the other 85 percent was on Earth?

S: Mmm . . . to an extent . . . yes. I continue to gain knowledge in both settings. (Earth and the spirit world)

Dr. N: (offhanded) I’m curious about something. If that 15 percent is still viable, why don’t you just go get it yourself? What do you need Canaris for?

S: (offended) That would spoil his ceremony. Canaris is the keeper of my flame, so to speak, while I am gone. Besides, what you suggest would be an infringement on his prerogatives to assist me with melding with my energy. He wants to make a ceremony of it.

Dr. N: I’m sorry if I was too presumptuous, Apalon. Why don’t you give me a visual picture of the ceremony.

S: (joyfully) Canaris goes to the alcove and, with the proud flourish of a nurturing father, brings it out while all my friends gather around and cheer about a job well done in Ireland.

Dr. N: Does this party include the soul who was your husband in the Irish life?

S: Yes, yes. He is in the front row cheering the loudest. He is not really the same person out of his Irish body.

Dr. N: All right, then what does Canaris do?

S: (laughs) He takes my energy in the greenish glass urn out of the alcove. It is glowing but he rubs it with his hands to make it shine brighter while enjoying our expressions of pleasure. Then he comes close and throws the cloud of light energy over me like a mantle of high office. He assists with my melding with his own powerful vibrations.

Dr. N: At this moment, what does having all your energy feel like?

S: (softly) Joining with oneself resembles two globs of mercury coming together on a glass plate. They flow into each other naturally and instantly become homogeneous. I feel a resurgence of power and identity. The warmth of the merger gives me a sense of serenity and peace as well. I feel . . . well . . . my immortality.

Dr. N: (rhetorically, to elicit a response) Isn’t it a shame we don’t take 100 percent of our energy to Earth?

S: (reacts immediately) Are you serious? No human mind could retain much of itself under those conditions, but I needed a lot for the Irish life.

Dr. N: What percentage do you have in your current body?

S: Oh . . . around 60 percent and it’s plenty.

Dr. N: I have been told of physical planets where souls go that allow for all of our energy and the retention of full memory.

S: Sure, and many of these life forms allow for mental telepathy, too. Physical worlds like Earth—with the type of body we have—it’s a stage of mental development. Right now, our evolutionary development sets up conditions which we must work through on our own. The limitations are good for us right now.

Dr. N: Apalon, explain to me what you understand about how much energy you should take to Earth before every life?

S: My energy level is monitored by Canaris and my council for each body depending upon the physical and mental characteristics of that body.

Certain bodies require more spiritual energy than others and they know what conditions exist before we enter the life.

Dr. N: Well, you told me this Irish woman was physically strong and, I assume, she had a strong will as well for you to have survived intact. Nevertheless, you took a lot of your energy to Ireland.

S: Yes, she was stronger than I am today, but she needed my spiritual help and I needed her strength to assert what influence I could to survive with some identity in a life of deprivation. We were not always in harmony.

Dr. N: So when you are not in harmony with a body it takes more personal soul energy?

S: Oh, yes. And if your environment is harsh, that too must be taken into consideration. I feel very much in sync with my current body although I sometimes wish I had the stamina of the Irish body. There are many variables. That is the challenge. That’s what is fun.

Note: Today, Apalon has incarnated as an independent businesswoman who travels all over the world for an international financial consulting firm. She has had numerous offers of marriage, all of which she has refused.

Occasionally, a client will tell me that after a former life they preferred to wait longer than normal before unifying with their energy. This is illustrated by the following quote:

Sometimes I like to wait until after my council meeting because I don’t want the fresh energy to dilute the memories and feelings I had in the life just lived. If I did infuse myself (by taking in reserve energy), that former life would be less real to me. I want my thoughts to be centered on answering questions about my work in that body with a clear, lucid memory of each event. I want to retain every emotional feeling I had of these events as they occurred so I can better describe why I took certain actions. My friends don’t like to do this, but I can always recharge and rest later.

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