Destiny Of Souls

Destiny Of Souls

5. Soul Group Systems


Soul Birthing


I think it is appropriate to begin an exploration of soul life with the creation of that life. Very few of my subjects have the memory capacity to go back to their origins as particles of energy. Some details of a soul’s early life come to me from the rank beginners. These young souls have a shorter life history both in and out of the spirit world so they still have fresh memories. However, at best, my level I subjects have only fleeting memories about the genesis of Self. The

following quotes from two beginner souls are illustrations:

My soul was created out of a great irregular cloudy mass. I was expelled as a tiny particle of energy from this intense, pulsating bluish, yellow and white light. The pulsations send out hailstorms of soul matter. Some fall back and are reabsorbed but I continued outward and was being carried along in a stream with others like me. The next thing I knew, I was in a bright enclosed area with very loving beings taking care of me.

I remember being in a nursery of some sort where we were like unhatched eggs in a beehive. When I acquired more awareness I learned I was in the nursery world of Uras. I don’t know how I got there. I was like an egg in embryonic fluid waiting to be fertilized and I sensed there were many other cells of young lights who were coming awake with me. There was a group of mothers, beautiful and loving, who . . . pierced our membrane sacs and opened us. There were swirling currents of intense, nurturing lights around us and I could hear music. My awareness began with curiosity. Soon I was taken from Uras and joined other children in a different setting.

The most revealing reports about soul nurseries come my way only infrequently from a very few highly advanced subjects. These are the specialists known as Incubator Mothers. The next case is a representative of this branch of service who is an exceptional level V called Seena.


Case 26

This individual is a specialist with children both in and out of the spirit world. Currently, she works through hospice with severely ill children. In her past life, she was a Polish woman who, although not Jewish, volunteered to enter a German internment camp in 1939. She did so ostensibly to wait on the officers and perform kitchen duties, which was a ruse. She wanted to be near the Jewish children entering the camp and to help them in any way possible. As a local resident of a nearby town, she could have left the camp at any time in the first year. Then it was too late and the soldiers would not allow her to leave. Eventually, she died in the camp. This advanced soul might have survived longer if she had brought more than 30 percent of her energy to sustain herself during the hardships of this assignment. Such is the confidence of a level V.

Dr. N: Seena, what has been your most significant experience between your lives?

S: (without hesitation) I go to the place of . . . hatching—where souls are hatched. I am an Incubator Mother, a kind of midwife.

Dr. N: Are you telling me you work in a soul nursery?

S: (brightly) Yes, we help the new ones emerge. We facilitate early maturation . . . by being warm, gentle and caring. We welcome them.

Dr. N: Please explain the surroundings of the place to me.

S: It’s . . . gaslike . . . a honeycomb of cells with swirling currents of energy above. There is intense light.

Dr. N: When you say “honeycomb,” I wonder if you mean that the nursery has a beehive structure, or what?

S: Um, yes . . . although the nursery itself is a vast emporium without seeming to be limited by outside dimensions. The new souls have their own incubator cells where they stay until their growth is sufficient to be moved away from the emporium.

Dr. N: As an Incubator Mother, when do you first see the new souls?

S: We are in the delivery suite, which is a part of the nursery, at one end of the emporium. The newly arrived ones are conveyed as small masses of white energy encased in a gold sac. They move slowly in a majestic, orchestrated line of progression toward us.

Dr. N: From where?

S: At our end of the emporium under an archway the entire wall is filled with a molten mass of high-intensity energy and . . . vitality. It feels as if it’s energized by an amazing love force rather than a discernible heat source.

The mass pulsates and undulates in a beautiful flowing motion. Its color is like that on the inside of your eyelids if you were to look through closed eyes at the sun on a bright day.

Dr. N: And from out of this mass you see souls emerge?

S: From the mass a swelling begins, never exactly from the same site twice. The swelling increases and pushes outward, becoming a formless bulge. The separation is a wondrous moment. A new soul is born. It’s totally alive with an energy and distinctness of its own.

Note: Another one of my level Vs made this statement about incubation. “I see an egg-shaped mass with energy flowing out and back in.

When it expands, new soul energy fragments are spawned. When the bulge contracts, I think it pulls back those souls which were not successfully spawned. For some reason these fragments could not make it on to the next step of individuality.”

Dr. N: What do you see beyond the mass, Seena?

S: (long pause) I see this beatific glow of orange-yellow. There is a violet darkness beyond, but not cold darkness . . . it is eternity.

Dr. N: Can you tell me more about the line of progression of new souls moving toward you out of the mass?

S: Out of the fiery orange-yellow the progression is slow as each hatchling emerges from the energy mass. They are conveyed off to various points where mothering souls like myself are positioned.

Dr. N: How many mothers do you see?

S: I can see five nearby . . . who, like me . . . are in training.

Dr. N: What are the responsibilities of an Incubator Mother?

S: We hover around the hatchlings so we can . . . towel-dry them after opening their gold sacs. Their progression is slow because this allows us to embrace their tiny energy in a timeless, exquisite fashion.

Dr. N: What does “towel-drying” mean to you?

S: We dry the new soul’s . . . wet energy, so to speak. I can’t really explain all this well in human language. It’s a form of hugging new white energy.

Dr. N: So, now you see basically white energy?

S: Yes, and as they come next to us—up close—I see more blue and violet glowing around them.

Dr. N: Why do you think this is so?

S: (pause, then softly) Oh . . . I see now . . . this is an umbilical . . . the genesis cord of energy which connects each one.

Dr. N: From what you are saying, I get a picture of a long pearl necklace. The souls are the pearls connected in a line. Is this at all accurate?

S: Yes, rather like a string of pearls on a silvery conveyer belt.

Dr. N: Okay, now tell me, when you embrace each new soul—dry them out— does this give them life?

S: (reacts quickly) Oh, no. Through us—not from us—comes a life force of all-knowing love and knowledge. What we pass on with our vibrations during the drying of new energy is . . . the essence of a beginning—a hopefulness of future accomplishment. The mothers call it . . . “the love hug.” This involves instilling thoughts of what they are and what they can become. When we enfold a new soul in a love hug it infuses this being with our understanding and compassion.

Dr. N: Let me carry this vibrational hugging one step further. Does each new soul have an individual character at this point? Do you add or subtract from its given identity?

S: No, this is in place upon arrival, although the new soul does not yet know who they are. We bring nurturing. We are announcing to the hatchling that it is time to begin. By . . . sparking . . . its energy we bring to the soul an awareness of its existence. This is the time of the awakening.

Dr. N: Seena, please help me here. When I think of obstetric nurses in a hospital maternity ward holding and nurturing new human babies, they have no idea what kind of person a baby will turn out to be. Do you function in the same manner—not knowing about the immortal character of these new souls?

S: (laughs) We function as nursery caregivers but this is not a human maternity ward. At the moment we embrace the new ones we know something of their identity. Their individual patterns become more evident as we unite our energy with them to give them sustenance. This allows us to better utilize our vibrations to activate—to ignite—their awareness. All this is part of their beginning.

Dr. N: As a trainee, how did you acquire this knowledge of the proper employment of vibrations with new souls?

S: This is something new mothers have to learn. If it is not performed properly, the hatchling souls move on not feeling fully ready. Then one of the Nursery Masters must step in later.

Dr. N: Can you take me a little further here, Seena? During your love hug, when you first embrace these souls, do you and the mothers discern an organized selection process behind the assignment of a new soul’s identity? For instance, could we have ten courageous type souls come through followed by ten more cautious souls?

S: That is so mechanistic! Each soul is unique in its totality of characteristics created by a perfection that I cannot begin to describe. What I can tell you is that no two souls are alike—none—ever!

Note: I have heard from a few other subjects that one of the basic reasons each soul is different from the other is that after the Source “breaks off ” energy fragments to create a soul, what is left of the original mass becomes infinitesimally altered so it is not exactly the same as before. Thus, the Source is like a divine mother who would never create twin children.

Dr. N: (pressing, wanting my subject to correct me) Do you think this is a totally random selection? There is no order of characteristics with matched similarities of any kind? You know this to be true?

S: (frustrated) How could I know this unless I was a Creator? There are souls with similarities and those with none, all in the same batch. The combinations are mixed. As a mother I can tweak each major trait that I sense and this is why I can tell you no two have exactly the same combinations of character.

Dr. N: Well . . . (subject breaks in to continue)

S: I have the sense that there is a powerful Presence on the other side of the archway who is managing things. If there is a key to the energy patterns— we do not need to know of this . . .

Note: These are the moments I wait for in my sessions, where I try to push open the door to the ultimate Source. The door never opens more than a crack.

Dr. N: Please tell me what you feel about this Presence, about the energy mass which is bringing these new souls to you. Surely, you and the other mothers must have thought about the origins of souls here even though you cannot see it?

S: (in a whisper) I feel the Creator is . . . close by . . . but may not actually be doing the work of . . . production . . .

Dr. N: (gently) Meaning the energy mass may not be the primary Creator?

S: (uncomfortable) I think there are others who assist—I don’t know.

Dr. N: (taking another tack) Is it not true, Seena, that there are imperfections to the new souls? If they were created perfect, there would be no reason for them to be created at all by a perfect Creator?

S: (doubtfully) Everything here seems to be perfection.

Dr. N: (I temporarily move in another direction) Do you work only with souls coming to Earth?

S: Yes, but they could go to all kinds of places. Only a fraction come to Earth.

There are many physical worlds similar to Earth. We call them pleasure worlds and suffering worlds.

Dr. N: And do you know when a soul is right for Earth based upon your incarnation experience?

S: Yes, I do. I know that the souls who come to worlds such as Earth need to be strong and resilient because of the pain they have to endure along with the joy.

Dr. N: That’s my understanding, too. And when these souls become contaminated by the human body—particularly the young ones—this is because they are less than perfect. Might that be true?

S: Well, I suppose, yes.

Dr. N: (continuing) Which indicates to me that they must work to acquire more substance than they had originally in order to acquire full enlightenment. Would you accept that premise?

S: (long pause, then with a sigh) I think perfection is there . . . with the newly created. Maturity begins by the shattering of innocence with new souls, not because they are originally flawed. Overcoming obstacles makes them stronger but the acquired imperfections will never be totally erased until all souls are joined together—when incarnation ends.

Dr. N: Isn’t this going to be difficult with new souls being created all the time to take the place of those ending their incarnations on Earth?

S: This too will end when all people . . . all races, nationalities unite as one.

This is why we are sent to places such as Earth to work.

Dr. N: So, when the training ends, will the universe we live in die as well?

S: It may die before. It doesn’t matter, there are others. Eternity never ends. It is the process which is meaningful because it allows us to . . . savor the experience and express ourselves . . . and to learn.

Before continuing with the evolution of a soul’s progress, I should list what differences I have learned about their existence once they are created.

  1. There are energy fragments which appear to return to the energy mass that created them before they even reach the I do not know the reason for their being aborted. Others, who do reach the nursery, are unable to handle learning “to be” on an individual basis during early maturation. Later, they are associated with collective functions and, from what I can determine, never leave the spirit world.
  2. There are energy fragments who have individual soul essences that are not inclined, or have the necessary mental fabric, to incarnate in physical form on any They are often found on mental worlds, and they also appear to move easily between dimensions.
  3. There are energy fragments with individual soul essences who incarnate only on physical These souls may well receive training in the spirit world with mental spheres between lives. I do not find them as interdimensional travelers.
  4. There are energy fragments who are souls with the ability and inclination to incarnate and function as individuals in all types of physical and mental This does not necessarily give them more or less enlightenment than other soul types. However, their wide range of practical experience positions them for many specialization opportunities and assignments of responsibility.

The grand scheme for the newborn soul starts slowly. Once they are released from the nursery, these souls do not enter into incarnations, nor are they even formed into soul groups right away. Here is one description of this transition period from the still-fresh memory of a young level I soul with only a couple of incarnations under his belt:

Before I was assigned to my soul group and began coming to Earth, I remember being given the opportunity to experience a semi-physical world as a light form. It was more a mental world than physical because my surroundings were not completely solid and there was no biological life. I saw other young souls with me and we could move easily around the ground as luminous bulbs with a semblance of the human form. We were not doing—just being— and getting the feel of what it would be like to be solid. Although the setting was more astral than temporal, we were learning to communicate with each other as beings living in a community. We had no responsibilities. There was a Utopian atmosphere of tremendous love, security and protection everywhere. I have since learned that nothing is static and this—the beginning time—would be the easiest of our existence. Soon we would exist in a world where we would not be protected, in places where we would have memories of pain and loneliness—and pleasure too—and that these experiences are the teaching memories.

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