Destiny Of Souls

Destiny Of Souls

Human versus Soul Color Auras



There is another misconception about color I have encountered since Journey of Souls was published. Many people seek to find comparisons between my color classifications with souls and that of human auras. I believe these assumptions can lead to the wrong conclusions. Color and energy vibrations are closely linked in souls and are reflective of the nonmaterial environment of the spirit world. Thus, in a physical environment the frequency of the same soul energy is altered. The human body changes the color of these energy patterns further.

When healers identify color auras around human beings, these colors are largely reflections of physical manifestations. Besides thoughts from a human brain, which are influenced by our emotional makeup, central nervous system and chemical balances, all the vital organs of the body are involved in human auras. Even muscles and skin play a part in creating the physical energy around us. Certainly, there are correlations between the soul mind and our bodies, but physical and mental health are the prime determinants in human auras.

I should state that I do not see human auras. All my information about them comes from specialists in this field and from my subjects. I am told that as we go through life our temporary body fluctuates rapidly and this affects the external color arrangements of our energy. It takes many centuries for soul colors to change. Eastern philosophy holds, and I agree, that we have a spirit body which exists in conjunction with the physical and that this etheric body has its own energy outline. True healing must take into account both the physical and subtle body. When we meditate or practice yoga we work to unblock our emotional and spiritual energy through various parts of the body.

On occasion, when I am talking to a subject in trance about the distribution of light energy from other souls in their group, I will be told about stronger energy patterns emanating from particular areas of what seems to be a human shape. Just as we may bring imprints from a former life into our current life, we can also take body imprints into the spirit world as silhouetted energy reminders of our physical incarnations. For a while, during my questioning in the next case, I wondered if this subject was letting her conscious memory about chakras seep into her unconscious explanations. Chakras are supposed to be vortex power sources that emanate from within us outward at seven major points on the human body. This subject felt that chakras were a spiritual expression of individuality through physical manifestations.


Case 33

Dr. N: You have said that Roy is one of the members of your family in this life who is in your soul group. When you look at Roy’s focal point of energy, what do you see?

S: I see a concentration of pinkish-yellow coming from the middle of his body form—the place where the solar plexus would be.

Dr. N: What body form? Why is Roy presenting a physical body to your group?

S: We show the features of the bodies we have occupied that pleased us in life.

Dr. N: Well, what does an energy concentration from the stomach area mean to you?

S: Roy’s strongest point of personal power in his lives is his gut, regardless of his body. He has nerves of steel. (laughs) He has other appetites in this area, too.

Dr. N: If Roy’s metabolic energy rate shows that attribute, can you pinpoint a distribution of extra light energy coming from certain places of the body in other members of your group?

S: Yes, Larry has his greatest development from his head. He has been a creative thinker in many lives.

Dr. N: Anyone else?

S: Yes, Natalie. Her power essence is developing faster from the heart area because of her compassion.

Dr. N: How about yourself?

S: Mine comes from the throat, because of my communication skills through speech in some lives and singing in my current life.

Dr. N: Do these energy points have anything to do with the projection of human color auras?

S: As far as color, not generally. As far as strengths in energy concentration, yes.

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