Destiny Of Souls

Destiny Of Souls




Only once every few years does a Timemaster in training come my way. When I recognize one, they are a resource to be treasured. Since there are other specialties associated with timelines I must guard against making early presumptions in the hypnosis session. For instance, the Archivist Souls assist souls in searching out their past histories and alternative timelines to those events. Thus, they function more as historians and chroniclers than as Timemasters who would track timelines of the immediate future for bodies under consideration in the life selection room. As with the other soul specialties, I’m sure there is overlapping here, too, with many masters working on time coordination for souls in need of their services. This is why my clients often lump them all together in their minds with the label of planners.

There is much the Timemaster trainees don’t know yet, or so they say. As I probe the esoteric aspects of any soul specialty, there is the necessity of sorting out the usual blockages of details I am not supposed to know as opposed to what my advanced subject really doesn’t know. Readers may wonder why I didn’t ask other relevant questions in the cases presented in this book. The chances are I did, but received no response. Sometimes, both the trainee in a specialty area and I bring forth information which starts off as being inadvertent and then snowballs. Such was the case with a soul called Obidom, who is an engineer in his current life. I will begin the dialogue at a memorable point in our session.


Case 63

Dr. N: Obidom, can you tell me what you do between lives that represents your greatest challenge as a soul?

S: I study time on the planet Earth.

Dr. N: To what end?

S: I wish to be a master of this art . . . traveling the timelines . . . understanding the sequences with people living in a physical world. To help the planners assist souls in their life selections.

Dr. N: How is your program progressing?

S: (sighs) Very slowly, I’m such a beginner I need many mentors.

Dr. N: Why were you chosen for this training?

S: It is very difficult for me to tell you because I don’t think I am very worthy of this art. I suppose it all began because I enjoy manipulating energy and became rather good at it in my classes.

Dr. N: Well, isn’t this true of many souls who make things by energy manipulation in their creation classes?

S: (beginning to warm to my questions) This is different, we don’t create . . . in the same way.

Dr. N: What is different about your work?

S: To work with time, you must learn spatial manipulation. You start with models and then go to the real thing.

Dr. N: What sort of models?

S: (dreamily) Oh . . . a huge vaporized pool . . . of swirling liquid energy . . . thinning in those gaps where scenes are simulated for us in mini-bites . . . the gaps open . . . you see neon tubes of fluctuating light . . . ready for entry. (stops) It’s really hard to explain.

Dr. N: That’s all right, Obidom. I would like to discuss where you are now working, who teaches you, and something about the practical art of becoming a Timemaster.

S: (quietly) Time training is conducted at a temple. (grins) We call it the Temple of Time—where teachers instruct us in the application of energy sequences for events.

Dr. N: What are sequences?

S: Timelines exist as energy sequences of events which move.

Dr. N: Tell me how you manipulate energy in the timelines.

S: Time is manipulated by compressing and stretching energy particles within a unified field and to regulate its flow . . . like playing with rubber bands.

Dr. N: Can you change events in the past, present and future? Is that what you mean by manipulation?

S: (long pause) No, I can only monitor the energy sequences. We operate as . . . highwaymen who enter and exit the sequences— which we consider roads—by speeding up and slowing down. Condensing our energy speeds us up and expansion slows us down. It’s the same thing with events and people who appear on the sequences as points in the roads. We don’t create anything. We intersect as observers.

Dr. N: Then who created the time sequences in the first place?

S: (exasperated) How can I know that? At my stage I am only trying to function within the system.

Dr. N: Just asking, Obidom. You’re being very helpful. Tell me, to what purpose do you function as a Timemaster in training?

S: We are given one-event assignments . . . the human choices around that event all have meaning. The practical applications of what we do involve human streams of thought and actions that join in a river of time.

Dr. N: I would call these occurrences passages of action and memory of that action.

S: I would agree. Particles of energy do involve memory.

Dr. N: How?

S: Energy is the carrier of thought and memory within the sequences and these never pass into oblivion. The conduit by which time is perceived begins with thought—the shaping of an idea—then the event and finally the memory of the event.

Dr. N: How is all this recorded into the sequences?

S: By the vibrational tone of each recorded particle of energy. This is what we recover.

Dr. N: Can the sequences exist in all sorts of alternate realities?

S: (pause) Yes . . . overlapping and interlaced . . . this is what makes the search interesting if one has the skill to find them. All things can be observed and retrieved for study.

Dr. N: I need more direction here, Obidom.

S: There is a lot I can’t tell you. The particles of energy which are part of the causation for the setting up of events in time involve vibrational patterns with many alternatives. We view all this human history as useful for future incarnations of people.

Dr. N: Tell me how you feel about alternate possibilities to events.

S: (long pause) We study what is productive. Events—poor, better, best—are played out until they cease to be productive. (sighs deeply) Anyway, I’m still very new at that. I study the past scenes of what has taken place.

Dr. N: So are you saying everything that can exist in time does not necessarily exist if there is nothing for human beings to learn from its existence?

S: (pause) Ah . . . yes, similar situations of decision-making call for slightly different solutions and after a while the differences are so small they would be nonproductive as lessons.

Dr. N: From all you have told me, Obidom, I have the feeling you are not much engaged in future time just yet. So how do you see yourself?

S: I think of myself more as an archeologist in time. My assignments are studying people and events of the past and present. The future is murky . . . the sequences unclear . . . no, I’m an archeologist with time right now.

Dr. N: Where did your studies really begin in this field?

S: When my class was assembled for training at the temple.

Dr. N: How many souls are in your class?

S: There are six of us . . . (pause, adding) I didn’t know anyone before we got there.

Dr. N: Obidom, tell me about your initial training. Certainly, this must be clear in your mind.

S: I was sent to the world of Galath. It is a physical world similar to the geography of Earth. This world once had a great civilization, highly technical, and the Galathians were able to travel to other planets, which led to their undoing. Galath now has no highly intelligent life forms.

Dr. N: I don’t understand why you were sent to a dead world?

S: It’s not dead as much as vacant. When we arrived for training we assumed a transparent form which resembled the humanoid appearance of the old Galathians. (laughs)

Dr. N: Tell me about them.

S: I was just thinking . . . they were yellowish-green people, very tall and willowy, without apparent joints . . . they had large, multifaceted insect eyes . . .

Dr. N: What were they like as a people?

S: The Galathians were wise but foolish—like the rest of us. They came to believe in their invincibility.

Dr. N: But what is the purpose of coming here? Isn’t everything gone?

S: Don’t you see? Their timelines still exist. We are here to practice intersecting with the old history of this place. This is kind of an exotic world with beat-up space platforms still circling the planet. On the ground there are huge spheres of habitation which are now empty and falling apart . . . plants growing in their ancient halls of learning, decaying vestiges of this once-great civilization are scattered about . . .

Dr. N: Just what do you and your five classmates do, Obidom?

S: We beam out our energy . . . and float through the corridors of their past time. One of the teachers helps us adjust our vibrations to intersect with certain periods of Galathian history. It is fragmentary because of our lack of skill . . . but certain scenes of their power are vivid.

Dr. N: So nothing of the past is ever really lost?

S: No, although the Galathians are gone, everything they did, in a sense, still lives . . . their triumphs . . . their decline . . . we can study their mistakes. I can retrieve people talking at certain moments . . . what they were thinking before they were conquered by another race and assimilated into their culture away from here. The Galathians had a musical language which flows around their broken ships of space and deserted streets.

Dr. N: What is your ultimate goal, Obidom?

S: When I become proficient I will serve as an advisor for the planners who wish to design certain situations for people . . . help the library researchers . . . assist in coordinating selections in the sphere of life (i.e., the Ring)—that sort of thing.

Dr. N: Obidom, I have a personal question for you. If I was a soul with some time off between lives, could I come back to my hometown as it existed when I was a boy and see myself again with my family and friends in scenes from the past? I don’t mean re-creating all this in the spirit world, but actually coming back to Earth in a disembodied state, as you did on Galath.

S: (smiles) Sure . . . although you might need some help with a talented teacher before you got the hang of it. Just don’t expect to do any tinkering around with the original to make alterations. (sardonically) Remember, you would be a ghost.

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