Destiny Of Souls

Destiny Of Souls

New Body-Soul Partnerships



The process of a soul joining with an unborn child is an appropriate end to the case histories I have presented in this book. The soul is now ready to embark on another reincarnation adventure with hopes and expectations for a fresh new role in life. The partnership between the physical and etheric minds that usher a whole human being into the world can be smooth or rocky in the early adjustment stages of childhood. Even so, it is the end result and how we finish the course we traveled that counts the most.

During our lifetime, the soul and the body are so intertwined that the duality of expression may confuse us as to who we really are. The complexities of this association between body and soul represent an alliance of long evolutionary development going back perhaps to the late Pleistocene era when hominoids on this planet were originally considered suitable for soul colonization. The oldest divisions of our modern brain still remain in place as survival mechanisms. Some people, such as the soul Kliday in case 36, acknowledge touching primitive sections of the brain when they enter a fetus. These are the areas that control our visceral, physical reactions, which are instinctual and emotional rather than intellectual. Some of my clients have said that a few brains they have joined seemed more primitive than all the others.

Ego has been defined as Self, conceived as a spiritual substance upon which experience is superimposed. This psyche would define the soul, but there is an ego of a kind relegated to the brain which experiences the external world through the senses governing action and reaction. It is this functional organism—created before the soul arrived—that the soul must join in a mother. In a sense, there are two egos at work here and this is most evident to me during regressions when I take my subjects to the Ring and later when they join a fetus. It is in the fetus where the body-soul partnership really begins.

The soul and brain of a new baby appear to begin their association as two separate and distinct entities and become one mind. Some people are bothered that my two-entity position, or duality of body and spirit, means that while the immortal character of the soul lives on, the temporary personality of the body dies. Yet it was the soul, in concert with the mind of a body, which created a unique personality of a single Self. Although the physical organism of the body will die, the soul who occupied that body never forgets the host which allowed them to experience Earth in a particular time and place. We have seen how souls can remember and re-create who they were in certain timelines.

Every physical body has its own unique design and the concepts, ideas and judgments of any human mind are directly related to the soul who is occupying that body. I endeavored to show in chapters 3 and 4 how some body-soul combinations work more efficiently than others. Physiologists do not know why intense emotion may cause irrational behavior in one person and logical coping actions in another. For me, the answer lies in the soul. When the body-soul partnership is underway in the fetus of a client’s current body, I do hear evaluations from many of them about brain circuitry being fine-tuned or a bit jumbled in the new baby. The remarks from a level V soul about entering a body are instructive in terms of attachments:

No two brains are constructed in precisely the same way. When I initially enter the womb of my mother, I touch the brain gently. I flow in . . . seeking . . . probing . . . searching. It is like osmosis. I know immediately if this brain is going to be smooth or rough sailing for our mutual communication. I will receive my mother’s emotional feelings during pregnancy more than her clear thoughts. That’s how I know if the baby is wanted or not, and this makes a difference in the baby getting a good or bad start.

When I enter the fetus of an unwanted baby, I can make a positive difference by energy engagement with this child. When I was a young soul, I would get caught up with the alienation of a parent and both the child and I felt a separation. I have been working with babies for thousands of years and I can handle whatever sort of child they give me so we are both fulfilled by coming together. I have too much work to do in life to be slowed down by a body match which does not happen to be perfect for me.

When a soul reaches level III, most are able to make rapid adjustments once inside a fetus. A subject told me bluntly, “When a complex, highly advanced soul combines with a sluggish brain, it is like hitching a race horse to a plow horse.” Usually my clients express this sentiment about bodies in a more deferential manner. There are karmic reasons for all body-soul matches. Also, a high IQ is no indication of an advanced soul. It is not a low IQ but the disturbed, irrational mind that poses problems for the less-experienced souls.

As for body matches with the soul, our options are offered to us in good faith for a variety of life designs. Body choices in the Ring are never used to trap us into something unsuitable for our development. The sphere of life selection is not a department store fire sale of merchandise. The planners have no interest in sandbagging some unsuspecting soul with a “poor-quality” body. There is purpose for both egos behind every body-soul match. While the body delights the soul as a means of both physical and mental expression, it is capable of bringing great pain. The lesson of this merger is to forge a harmonious unification of body and soul so that they function as one unit. I have two perspectives that illustrate this collaboration:

I am a volatile soul with hasty inclinations and I prefer aggressive bodies with temperaments which complement my own inclinations. We call this sort of combination of mirror images a double-double. I can never slow down. I must admit the quiet bodies with noncombative minds do calm me, but then I tend to become very lazy and complacent.

I am comfortable with emotionally cold hosts. I also love analytical minds so we can take our time before committing to things. Inside Jane it’s as though I’m on a rollercoaster ride. She is so reckless, jumping into situations— I mean I try to drag her back—but she gets so out of control she brings us a lot of pain. Yet, there is much joy too—it’s all overwhelming, but what a wild ride!

Certain body  matches  do  produce  lives  of  frustration  and very difficult challenges. However, only a couple of times in my entire career have I ever had a soul who admitted they asked to be replaced in a fetus it found impossible to adjust to in any way. In both cases, another soul took its place before the eighth month. A prenatal exchange due to incompatibility is an extremely rare occurrence because this is what the life selection room is all about.

In chapter 3, where I discussed people who engage in wrongdoing, I explained how our inner soul Self might not be in harmony with our body. I also said that no soul is innately evil when it joins a fetus. Still, the soul does not enter with a blank slate either. A soul’s immortal character is influenced by all the attributes and temperament of the brain, which challenges the soul’s maturity. I have said there are souls who are more susceptible than others in falling prey to negative influences in life. Most of the cases in this book reflect souls who struggle in opposition or work in harmonious conjunction with their bodies. Souls combating the need to control may not blend well with a body ego disposed to confrontation. On the other hand, a cautious, low-energy soul could choose a rather passive, introverted body temperament in order to institute boldness in concert with its host.

When a soul joins with a new baby, I can be fairly sure the partnership will address both the soul’s shortcomings and a body-mind who needs this particular soul. The planners choose bodies for us which are intended to combine our character defects with certain body temperaments to produce specific personality combinations. From clients who are medical doctors and physiologists, I have been given brief anatomical glimpses about souls entering the developing brain of a fetus. Case 66 is an example. Posthypnotic suggestions have enabled subjects in these professions to sketch out simplified diagrams of what they were trying to say about these linkages while under hypnosis. This has helped my understanding.


Case 66

Dr. N: I would like to know if the initial transition into the fetus is always about the same for you?

S: No, it is not. Even though I might have had x-ray vision into the mind of the child during life selection, my entry can still be ragged.

Dr. N: Give me your most recent example of a difficult entry.

S: Three lives ago, I joined with a very stiff, unreceptive brain. It felt my presence was invasive. This was unusual because most of my host bodies accept my presence. I’m ordinarily considered to be a new roommate.

Dr. N: Are you saying this particular host body felt you were an alien presence that it should reject?

S: No, it was a dull mind of dense energy pockets. My arrival was an intrusion on its lack of mental activity . . . there was . . . isolation between compartments of the brain . . . creating resistance to . . . communication.

Lethargic minds require more effort on my part. They resist change.

Dr. N: Change of what?

S: Of my being in its space, requiring some reaction to deal with this fact. I caused this mind to think and it was not a curious mind. I began pushing buttons and found it did not want to be summoned by me.

Dr. N: What did you expect?

S: From my review in the sphere (the Ring), I saw the end result of an adult mind but I didn’t see all the difficulties with the baby’s mind . . . when it was new.

Dr. N: I see, and you are saying this mind considered your intrusion as a threat?

S: No, only a nuisance. Eventually, I was accepted and the child and I adapted to each other.

Dr. N: Let’s go back to your statement about pushing buttons. Please explain to me what this means to you with a standard entry into the fetus of your choice?

S: When I enter a developing brain I am accustomed to joining around the fourth month—our guides give us some latitude here—but I never enter after the sixth month. When I enter the womb of the mother I create a red light of tight energy and direct it up and down the spinal column of the baby—following a network of neurons to the brain.

Dr. N: Why do you do that?

S: This tells me about the efficiency of thought transmission—the sensory relays . . .

Dr. N: Then, what do you do?

S: Play my red light around the dura mater—the outer layer of the brain . . . gently . . .

Dr. N: Why red light?

S: This allows me to be . . . especially sensitive to the physical feelings of this new person. I meld my energy warmth to the gray-blues of brain matter.

Before I get there, the brain is simply gray. What I am doing is turning on the lights in a dark room with a tree in the middle.

Dr. N: You lost me. Explain about the tree.

S: (intensely) The tree is the stem. I park myself between the two hemispheres of the brain to get a ringside seat as to how this system will function. Then I move around the branches of the tree to investigate the circuitry. I want to know how dense the energy is in the fibers around the wheel of the cerebral cortex folding around the thalamus . . . I want to learn how this brain thinks and senses things.

Dr. N: How important is energy density or the lack of it in the brain?

S: A mind that has excessive density in certain areas means there are blockages which inhibit the bridges between efficient neuron activity. I want to make some adjustments in these road blocks with my energy if I can—you know—while the brain is still forming.

Dr. N: You can make a difference in how the brain develops?

S: (laughs at me) Of course! Did you think souls are passengers on a train? I stimulate these areas ever so slightly.

Dr. N: (deliberately obtuse) Well, I thought you and the baby . . . are both in miniature by the way you exhibit intelligence in the beginning.

S: (laughs) Not until birth.

Dr. N: Are you saying that you can improve brain wave function with all these activities you have described?

S: That is our expectation. The whole idea is matching your vibrational levels and capabilities with that of the natural rhythms of the child’s brain waves—their electrical flow. (with exuberance) I think my host bodies are grateful for my assistance in improving the speed of thought over bridges. (stops and then adds) Maybe this is wishful thinking.

Dr. N: What do you see in the future for the brain with continued evolution and the influence of souls as a stimulus?

S: Mental telepathy.


Certainly, I have had younger souls who appear to be more inactive after body entry than case 66. This is a far sight better than agitating the child by ineptness from overzealous, inexperienced souls. The average soul probes their new host for information but in a way that has been described as “tickling the child to give it pleasure.” Essentially, this is an important time for integration between body and soul with the mother also mentally entering into this process of getting acquainted. By no means is the seat of the soul limited to the brain. Soul energy radiates throughout the whole body of the child.

Case 66 is a medical doctor. My next case comes from a non-medically oriented client about the union of two entities to form one whole as a new life begins. Each soul has its own preferences about when and how they wish to enter the fetus. The following case gives us an indication of the procedures used by a very considerate, evolved soul.


Case 67

Dr. N: Tell me what it is like to enter the mind of a baby and when you usually enter.

S: In the beginning I think of it as a betrothal. I entered my current body in the eighth month. I prefer to enter on the late side when the brain is larger so I have more to work with during the coupling.

Dr. N: Isn’t there a downside to entering late? I mean, you are then dealing with a more independent individual.

S: Some of my friends feel that way, I don’t. I want to be able to talk with the child when there is more mutual awareness.

Dr. N: (being dense to elicit a response) Talk—talk to a fetus—what are you saying . . . ?

S: (laughs at me) Of course we interact with the child.

Dr. N: Take me through this slowly. Who says what first?

S: The child may say, “Who are you?” I answer, “A friend who has come to play and be a part of you.”

Dr. N: (with deliberate provocation) Isn’t that deceitful? You haven’t come to play. You have come to occupy this mind.

S: Oh, please! Who have you been talking to? This mind and my soul were created to be together. Do you think I am some sort of foreign intruder on Earth? I have joined with babies who welcomed me as if I were expected.

Dr. N: There are souls who have had a different experience.

S: Look, I know souls who are clumsy. They go in like bulls in a china shop with their over-eagerness to get started with an agenda. Too much frontal energy all at once sets up resistance.

Dr. N: In your current lifetime, was the child at all anxious about your entry?

S: No, they don’t know enough yet to be anxious. I begin by caressing the brain. I am able to immediately project warm thoughts of love and companionship. Most of the babies just accept me as being part of themselves. A few hold back—like my current body.

Dr. N: Oh, really? What was unusual about this fetus?

S: It wasn’t a big deal. Its thoughts were, “Now that you are here, who am I going to be?”

Dr. N: I think that’s a very big deal. Essentially, the child is acknowledging that its identity depends on you.

S: (patiently) The child has begun to ask itself, “Who am I?” Some children are more aware of this than others. A few are resistant because, to them, we are an irritation to their inert beginnings— like a pearl in an oyster.

Dr. N: So you don’t feel the child senses it is being forced to give up something of its individuality?

S: No, we have come as souls to give the child . . . depth of personality. Its being is enhanced by our presence. Without us they would largely function as unripened fruit.

Dr. N: But does the child understand any of this before birth?

S: It only knows that I want to be friends so we can do things together. We begin by communicating with each other with simple things such as an uncomfortable body position in the mother’s womb. There have been times when the umbilical chord was wrapped around the neck of the baby and I have calmed the child where otherwise it might have squirmed and made things worse.

Dr. N: Please continue with how you assist the baby.

S: I prepare the child for birth, which is going to be a shock when it happens.

Imagine being forced out of a warm, comfortable, secure womb into the bright lights of a hospital room . . . the noise . . . having to breathe air . . . being handled. The child appreciates my help because my primary goal now is to combat fear by soothing the brain with assurances that everything will be fine.

Dr. N: I wonder what it was like for children before souls came to help them?

S: The brain was too primitive then to conceptualize the trauma of birthing. There was little awareness. (Laughs) Of course I wasn’t around in those days.

Dr. N: Are you able to calm anxious mothers in any way?

S: We must be proficient. During much of my existence I had little or no effect on my mothers if they were frightened, sad or angry during pregnancy. You must be able to align your energy vibrations with both the child and the mother’s natural body rhythms. You have to harmonize three sets of wave levels—which includes your own—to soothe the mother. I might even have the baby kick the mother to let her know we are all right.

Dr. N: Then at birth, I supposed the hard work of the merger is over?

S: To be honest, the merger isn’t complete yet for me. I talk to my body as a second entity up to the age of six. It is better not to force a full meld right away. We play games as two people for a while.

Dr. N: I have noticed a lot of young children talk to themselves as if they were with an imaginary playmate. Is that their soul?

S: (grinning) That’s right, although our guides enjoy playing with us as young children too. And have you also noticed the elderly talking to themselves a lot? They are preparing for separation at the other end in their own way.

Dr. N: In general how do you feel about coming back to Earth in life after life?

S: As a gift. This is such a multifaceted planet. Sure, this place brings heartache, but it is delightful too and incredibly beautiful. The human body is a marvel of form and structure. I never cease to be awed by each new body, the many different ways I can express myself in them, especially in the most important way—love.

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