The Adam and Eve Story

Because of the lack of resolving information, “the man” and Adam are kept as one in this translation – interpretation.

6. The significant Naga glyphs given to us by Ezra through Moses’ direct reading are: Cherubims, Rib, Adam’s sleep, Man, Woman, Tree, Fruit on the tree, Serpent, and Flaming Sword.

Our knowledge of Naga glyphs tells us that the tree (of life) symbolized a mother continent, a parent civilization lasting thousands of years longer than ours of today.

An unadorned serpent represented water in its natural state, or the ocean; a serpent entwined around the tree signified that the mother continent was surrounded entirely by water. Genesis III, 15 actually describes Eve’s heel on the serpent’s head, depicting her victory over the oceans.

Cherubims – which were not pretty, plump babies as we have always thought – but glyphs of hybrid man and beast. They were the glyphs for legs, or foundations, or underpinnings. Instead of being placed in the garden of Eden, the foundation was taken away; and a Naga or Mayan reading of the Egyptian Book of the Dead shows that cherubims of the North, South, East and West were taken away – meaning that all the foundations of the mother continent were removed and destroyed.










The flaming sword was the symbol of fire and earthquake. The fire signified what all legends of these cataclysms call earth-fire, which is the planet-wide molten layer below the Earth’s 60-mile thick shell breaking through to the surface during a cataclysm, a literal hell. It is, as far as I have been able to determine, the origin of man’s concept of hell.

I remember watching John Kennedy’s funeral on television; and most vividly the incantation given by the Archbishop to keep John Kennedy from the doors of hell. His words went back to pre-Christian Rome, for in describing those gates of hell, he painted a picture of hell exactly like that of the molten sublayer breaking through the earth’s shell. It had to be handed down through thousands of years from one who had actually seen it. Chills ran up and down my spine as it stamped an indelible impression on my mind.

Now to the tree: Fruit growing on that tree symbolized the mankind which settled the mother continent ages before Adam and Eve. Their eating the fruit tells us they were descended from this original mankind. Eve eating first signifies that she was the younger generation; Adam eating second signifies that he was her father, which made her his daughter. His daughter!? Yes. It is the origin of one of the oldest Hebrew laws: In a catastrophe, if but a male and female survive, they must mate, regardless of their relationship.




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