So what can we conclude from these four stories? Let’s see.
- The angels looked like men; in fact, they must have been men.
- Whether there were one or two of them, he or they wore long, bright white, clean, glistening robes.
- Although strangers, they could speak Hebrew, and spoke calmly and authoritatively to the women.
- Whether one or two of them, they had countenances which caused fear in the women, except in the story related by John.It could be that Mary Magdalene, in her first visit to the sepulchre with the other two women, had visited with the man or men at that time, and who had dispelled the women’s fears with his or their words, so when she returned, she had no fear.
What about these men? They were not known anywhere; they were dressed totally differently than anyone in the area, or even far away from that area; they showed absolutely no fear of anyone or anything; and Matthew stated that the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and rolled back the stone from the door (of the sepulchre). I’ll bet a pound of earth that he was waiting at the sepulchre for those who crucified Jesus to show up, hence his countenance was like lightning.
It looks as if we must conclude that these men, these angels, came to Earth in their space vehicle to take care of the aftermath of Jesus’ crucifixion. Let’s say that their space vehicle was an Ezekiel’s wheel. Any dissenter’s only alternative to this is name-calling.
So why would these men, these angels, watch over Jesus? The only answer is in legend, in that they watched over him because he was a genius, a man who had graduated from the Nacaal temple in so short a time that he could spend his life taking his learnings of the true faith from the temple, turn them into teachings, taking them to the rest of the world.
These people from other worlds never come here to live because this planet is the garbage dump of the Universe. We murder, rape, steal, wage war – killing millions; there are millions of young girls and women of the Eastern hemisphere sexually mutilated to prevent them from having sexual intercourse before marriage; there is forced prostitution by kidnapping, child females being sold into marriage, then sold into prostitution; out and out slavery; greed beyond comparison; wanton destruction of our planet by pollution and greed; unbridled reproduction without responsibility; the spread of death-dealing disease by irresponsible action; all of these deeds being perpetrated as commonly as you and I sprinkle salt on food. On top of this, we have a worldwide addiction to narcotics and narco-selling.
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