The vice director, one Professor M. Mtchedlov, after saying Camus lied, nevertheless confirmed his allegations. Mtchedlov wrote that of a total of one hundred volumes, only thirteen have appeared. He offered a ridiculous excuse for this: World War II forestalled the printing of the other volumes. The letter was written in 1980, thirty- five years after the end of the war. And the State Publishing House of the Soviet Union surely has sufficient funds.
From this letter it is clear that though the Soviet Communists had all the manuscripts for one hundred volumes, they chose to publish only thirteen. There is no other explanation than that most of Marx’s ideas were deliberately kept secret.
Marx’s Ravaged Life
All active Satanists have ravaged personal lives, and this was the case with Marx as well.
Arnold Künzli, in his book Karl Marx – A Psychogram, writes about Marx’s life, including the suicide of two daughters and a son-in-law Three children died of malnutrition. His daughter Laura, married to the Socialist Lafargue, also buried three of her children; then she and her husband committed suicide together. Another daughter Eleanor, decided with her husband to do likewise. She died; he backed out at the last minute.

Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx; in the front Marx’ wife Jenny and her children Laura and Eleanor (1864)
Marx felt no obligation to earn a living for his family, though he could easily have done so through his tremendous knowledge of languages. Instead, he lived by begging from Engels. He had an illegitimate child by his maidservant, Helen Demuth. Later
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