Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand

(Strangely, Marx also wrote to the contrary, in The Capital, Volume I, under the heading “The Capitalist Character of Manufacture”: “In the front of the chosen people it was written that they are the property of Jehovah.”)

Many other Jewish Communists imitated Marx in their hatred of Jews. Ruth Fisher, renowned German Jewish Communist leader and a member of Parliament, said: “Squash the Jewish capitalists, hang them from the lamp posts; tread them under your feet.” Why just the Jewish capitalists and not the others remains an unanswered question.

Marx hated not only the Jews, but also the Germans: “Beating is the only means of resurrecting the Germans.” He spoke about “the stupid German people … the disgusting national narrowness of the Germans” and said that “Germans, Chinese, and Jews have to be compared with peddlers and small merchants.” He called the Russians “cabbage-eaters.” The Slavic peoples were “ethnic trash.” He expressed his hatred of many nations, but never his love.

Marx  wrote  in  his  new  year’s  roundup  of  1848  about  “the  Slavic  riffraff,”  which included Russians, Czechs, and Croats. These “retrograde” races had nothing left for them  by  fate  except  “the  immediate  task  of  perishing  in  the  revolutionary  world storm.” “The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth. And that will be progress.” “Their very name will vanish.”

Neither Marx nor Engels were concerned about the destruction of millions of people. The former wrote,

A silent, unavoidable revolution is taking place in society, a revolution that cares  as little about the human lives it destroys as an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages. Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new conditions of existence will be defeated.

In contrast, Hitler, who desired only the enslavement and not the destruction of these nations, was much more humane than Marx.

Engels wrote in the same vein:

The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face  of the earth. This, too, is progress.

Obviously this cannot be fulfilled without crushing some delicate national flower. But without violence and without pitilessness nothing can be obtained in history

Marx, the man who posed as a fighter for the proletariat, called this class of people “stupid boys, rogues, asses.

Engels well knew what to expect from them. He wrote, “The democratic, red, yes, even the Communist mob, will never love us.”

Marx identified black people with “idiots” and constantly used the offensive term “nigger” in private correspondence.

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