Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand



Marx and Darwin

What was the specific contribution of Marx to Satan’s plan for mankind?

The Bible teaches that God created man in His own image (Genesis 1:26). Up to the time of Marx, man continued to be considered as “the crown of creation.” Marx was Satan’s chosen tool  to make man lose  his  self-esteem, his  conviction that  he  comes from high places and is meant to return to them. Marxism is the first systematic and detailed philosophy which drastically reduces the notion of man.

According to Marx, man is primarily a belly which has to be filled and refilled constantly. The prevailing interests of man are economic in nature; he produces in order to satisfy his needs. For this purpose, he enters into social relationships with others. This is the basis of society, what Marx calls the infrastructure. Marriage, love, art, science, religion, philosophy, everything other than the needs of the belly, are all superstructure, determined in the last analysis by the state of the belly.

No wonder Marx praised Darwin’s book The Descent of Man, another masterstroke which makes men forget their divine origin and divine purpose. Darwin said that man springs from the animal world.

Man was dethroned by these two. Satan could not dethrone God, so he devalued man. Man was shown to be the progeny of animals and a mere servant to his intestines.

It is a strange coincidence that the nineteenth century gave the world three leading personalities opposed to Christianity, all bearing the name of Charles: Karl (German for Charles) Marx, Charles Darwin, and the French poet Charles Baudelaire. The latter wrote in “Abel and Cain”:

Race of Cain, ascend to heaven And throw God to the earth.

Marx  wrote  to  Ferdinand  Lassalle  on  January  16,  1861,  “Darwin’s  book  is  very important and serves me as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class struggle.”

Marx’s son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, in Socialism and the Intellectuals, says,

When Darwin published his Origin of Species, he took away from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Franklin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.

(It was not Darwin’s original intent to harm religion. He had written, “There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one.” In order to make his position more emphatic, Darwin inserted the phrase “by the Creator” after “breathed” in the second edition. It remained there in all the succeeding editions he published.)

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