Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand


A Word to Marxists…

If I were to address a rank-and-file Marxist, I would express the following concerns:

Many Marxists today are not animated by the spirit that controlled Hess, Marx, or Engels. They really love mankind; they are confident they are enrolled in an army fighting for universal good. It is not their desire to be tools of some weird Satanist sect.

Sadly, Satanic Marxism has a materialistic philosophy that blinds its followers to spiritual realities. But matter is not all that exists. There is a reality of the spirit, of truth, beauty, and ideals.

There is also a world of evil spirits, whose head is Satan. He fell from heaven through pride and drew down with him a host of angels. Then he seduced the progenitors of the human race. Since the Fall, his deceit has been perpetuated and increased through every conceivable device, until today we see God’s beautiful creation ravaged by world wars, bloody revolutions and counterrevolutions, dictatorships, exploitation, racism of many kinds, false religions, agnosticism and atheism, crimes and crooked dealings, infidelities in love and friendship, broken marriages, rebellious children.

Mankind has lost the vision of God. But what has taken the place of this vision? Is it something better?

Man must and will have some kind of religion. It is his nature to worship. If he has not a God-fearing religion, he will have the religion of Satan and will persecute those who do not worship his “god.”

Persumably only a few top leaders of communism have been and are consciously Satanists, but there is also an unconscious Satanism. A man can be a Satanist without being aware that such a religion exists. But if he hates the notion of God and the  name of Christ, if he lives as though he were only matter, if he denies religious and moral principles, he is in fact a Satanist. Those who delve into the occult are in the same class.

On Sundays in Frankfurt, West Germany, more people go to spiritualist meetings, where the dead are allegedly called up, than to church services. There are known Satanist churches in Munich and Düsseldorf, for instance.’ There are many such churches in France, Britain, the U.S.A., and other countries as well.

In Great Britain there are thirty-five thousand practicing witches. American universities and even high schools offer courses in witchcraft, astrology, voodoo, magic, and ESP In France forty thousand black masses are conducted annually.

Human beings may forsake God, but God has never forsaken His creatures. He sent into the world His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save the race of man. Incarnate love and compassion lived on earth in the life of a poor Jewish child, then of a hump e carpenter, and eventually of a teacher of righteousness. Downtrodden man cannot

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