Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand



The Satanist Mass

Dr. Lawence Pazder, in Michelle Remembers, gives us the exact words of a highly secret Satanist mass, obtained through regression analysis from a girl who had attended such some twenty years before.

In the mass Satan appears and says:

Out of dark and fire red

Comes a man of living dead;

I only walk the earth at night, I only burn out the light.

I only go where everybody’s afraid;

I go and find the ones who’ve strayed. All the darkest forces they are mine.

Turn a light, make it night.

Satan is obviously personified by the high priest of the sect. Then Satan takes a Bible in his hand and says:

No eyes can see what this book said.

What’s written in the book is dead.

No eyes can see, not even a friend.

The books are mine in the end.

You can write all day, you can write all night,

But writing won’t bring light.

I’ll burn it out, I’ll make it black

I’ll burn your words from front to back.

I’ll burn each page, I’ll eat each word

And spit it out never to be heard.

The fire will grow, their eyes will see.

The book of words can’t stand up to me.

When they grow old, they’ll know and tell.

The only power comes from Hell.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Burn in the fire and then you’re gone.

Their words were lies,

My children will see.

In the fire their word dies.

The only thing left burning true

Is the light that shows me to you.

I’ll be back, you wait and see.

I’ll be back to take the world for me.

Everything that’s gone must return.

I was thrown out, but I can burn.

Turn, my children, turn around.

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