Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand

The crimes of communism are unequaled. What other political system has killed sixty million men in half a century? Another sixty million have been killed in Red China. (Some estimates run much higher.)

There are degrees of sinfulness and criminality. The enormity of crime is a measure of the intensity of Satanic influence on the founder of modern communism. The sins of Marxism, like those of nazism, surpass the ordinary. They are Satanic indeed.

I have also had letters from Satanists offering an apology for their religion. One of them writes:

A defense of Satanism needs only the Bible for documentary evidence. Think of all the thousands of earthly people, created in Gods own image, mind you, destroyed by fire and brimstone (Sodom and Gomorrah), a lethal miscellany of plagues, and, to top everything off, the drowning of the earth’s population, except for Noah’s family. All of these devastations brought about by a “merciful” God/Lord/Jehovah. What could a merciless god have done?

But in all the Bid a there is no record of even one death being brought about by Satan! So, let’s hear it for Satan!

This Satanist has not studied the Bible well. Death came into the world through Satans deceit, his luring Eve into sin. This Satanist has also drawn his conclusions too soon. God has not yet finished with His creation.

Initially every painting is a senseless, often ugly mixture of lines and dots of many colors. It took da Vinci twenty years to make of these the beautiful Mona Lisa. God also creates in time. In time He shapes beings and destroys them to give them a new form. The seed which has neither beauty nor fragrance dies as seed in order to become a splendid, perfumed flower. Caterpillars have to die as such in order to become beautiful butterflies. Men are allowed by God to pass through the refining fires of suffering and death. The apotheosis of creation will be a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness will triumph. Then those who have followed Satan will have to suffer an eternity of regrets.

Jesus endured flogging and crucifixion. But whoever wants to know God must look beyond the tomb to Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. In contrast, the enemies of Jesus who plotted His death brought their people and their temple to destruction and lost their own souls.

Our critic wished to comprehend God through reason, which is not the right instrument for a creature. God cannot be comprehended by the mind, but only apprehended by a believing heart.

A Jamaican asked if the America that exploits his country is not as Satanic as Marx. It is not. Americans are sinners, as are all men. America has a small group of devil- worshipers. But the American nation as such does not worship the Devil.

Nauka I Religia, the principal atheist magazine of Moscow, contained a long article written by two philosophers, Belov and Shilkin. They said that

Wurmbrand’s temperament might be envied by the greatest football players. His shouting is savage. This fighter calls for a crusade against socialism, which he calls an offspring of Satan. He was imprisoned in Romania for distributing religious literature instigating revolt against the government!

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