Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand

And the World Council of Churches for years has subsidized Communist guerrillas in Africa.

The Catholic Gustavo Gutierrez wrote in The Theology of Liberation: “The church must place itself squarely within the process of revolution.” The Lutheran theologian Dorothee Sölle, founder of Christians for Socialism, wrote: “We are at the beginning of a new chapter in Christian history. It will not be written without Karl Marx.”

These are the facts, open and uncontested, about what is happening in the church universal.

We did not heed the warning of the Lord to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. If the clothing speaks to us about doing good to mankind, we get hooked, forgetting that the worst of men can speak beautiful things.

German  Socialists  in  1907  opened  their  convention  with  Luther’s  hymn,  A  Mighty Fortress,   replacing   “God”   with   “Socialist   League.”   Some   revolutionist   groups practiced  baptism.  One  called  for  a  new  Communion  service  at  which  the  pastor would  proclaim,  “This  is  the  body  of  the  bread  which  the  rich  owe  to  the  poor.” Revolutionist groups spoke of “the holy Communist church,” “the egalitarian church outside of which there is no salvation.” Their “Lord’s Prayer” said, “No masters and no servants – Amen. Money and property shall be abolished” (see James Billington, Fire in the Minds of Men, Basic Books, 1985).

The Devil disguises himself as an angel of light. When the Communists came to power, unprecedented slaughters followed, which eclipse even Hitler’s Holocaust.

Clergymen who had been on the side of communism also became its victims. If communism would conquer the countries of the Third World, the theologians of liberation would sit in jail together with those who opposed this ideology.


Perfect Communism: Kingdom of God on Earth?

Cardenal says, “Communism and the kingdom of God are the same thing for me.”

The word “communism” in itself is vague. It is taken to mean only an economic system in which everyone will work according to his abilities and will receive according to his needs. There will be no state, no division of the world into countries, and no social classes, because the means of production will belong to all mankind.

Suppose this could be attained-where is God in the picture? Why should this be equated with the kingdom of God? A society of unbelievers, even of men who hate and scorn God, could choose or be forced to live in such a state.

Scripture says that  when the kingdom is the  Lords,  “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee” (Psalm 22:27).

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