Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand

Two hours ago a telegram arrived co say that my mother is dead. Fate needed to take one member of the family. I already had one foot in the grave. Under the circumstances I am needed more than the old woman. I have to go to Trier about their inheritance.

This was all he had to say at his mother’s passing. In addition, the relationship between Marx and his wife was demonstrably poor. She abandoned him twice but returned each time. When she died, he did not even attend her funeral.

Always in need of funds, Marx lost much money at the stock exchange, where he, the great economist, knew only how to lose.

Marx was an intellectual of high caliber, as was Engels. But their correspondence is full of obscenities, unusual for their class of society. Foul language abounds, and there is not one letter in which one hears an idealist speaking about his humanist or Socialist dream.

Since the Satanist sect is highly secret, we have only reports about the possibilities of Marx’s connections with it. But his disorderly life is undoubtedly another link in the chain of evidence already considered.

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