Marx and Satan

Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand

Criticism [his criticism of all that exists] so loved the masses that it sent its only- begotten son [i.e., Marx ], that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have a life of criticism. Criticism became masses and lived among us, and we saw its glory as the glory of the only-begotten Son of the Father. Criticism did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made itself of no reputation, taking the form of a bookbinder, and humbled itself up to nonsense – yes, critical non- sense in foreign languages.”

Those  knowledgeable  in  Scripture  will  recognize  this  as  a  parody  of  Biblical  verses (John 3:16; 1:14; Philippians 2:6-8). Here again, Marx declares his own works to be “nonsense,” as well as “swinish books.”

Marxism is a religion, and it even “uses” Scripture. Its main work, The Capital le by Marx, is called “the Bible of the working class.” Marx considered himself “the Pope of Communism.”

Communism “has the pride of infallibility.” All who oppose the Communist “creed” (this expression is used by Engels) are excommunicated. Marx wrote, “Bakunin should beware. Otherwise we will excommunicate him.”

Those who die in the service of Marxism are feasted as “martyrs.” Marxism also has its sacraments: the solemn receptions in the toddlers’ organization called “the Children of October”, the oaths given when received as “Pioneers”, after which come the higher grades of initiation in the Komsomol and the Party. Confession is replaced with public self-criticism before the assembly of Party members.

Marxism is a church. It has all the characteristics of a church. Yet, its god is not named in its popular literature. But, as seen by the proofs given in this book, Satan is obviously its god.

It is strange that though Marxism is clearly Satanic, it is not seen as a threat by many churches in the free world. Some illuminating statistics on this are available.

Seminary professors in the U.S.A. were asked, “Can an individual consistently be a good member of your denomination and adhere to Marxism?”

Below are the percentage figures of those who answered Yes:


Episcopalian – 68 %
Lutheran – 53 %
Presbyterian – 49 %
Methodist – 49 %
Church of Christ – 47 %
American Baptist –   44 %
Roman Catholic –
31 %


How sad that those who follow the Truth are duped by those who serve the father of lies.

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