
The Egyptian by Mika Waltari

Ramesses Pharaoh of Egypt after Horemheb.

Scarab An Egyptian jewel made in resemblance of a beetle, a dung ball rolling insect. Scarabs were symbols of rebirth and linked to the worship of the sun.

Sekhmet The Egyptian lion-headed goddess of fire, war, vengeance, menstruation and medicine.

Seth The Egyptian god of storms, desert, chaos and war.

Seti Pharaoh of Egypt after Horemheb and Ramesses.

Sherdens An ancient sea-faring people who often raided Egyptian cost. They were sometimes employed in Egyptian army. Their exact origin is debated.

Sidon An ancient trade and port city in today’s Lebanon.

Sinai A largely desert-covered peninsula between Egypt and Syria.

Sinuhe The main character from the ancient Egyptian work, “The Story of Sinuhe”. The fictional protagonist of The Egyptian was named after him by his mother.

Smenkhkare Pharaoh of Egypt briefly after Akhenaten, married to his daughter Meritaten.

Suppiluliuma The King of the Hittites during Pharaoh Akhenaten’s time. The Hittite empire reached its greatest extent under his rule, covering most of today’s Turkey and northern Syria.

Syria An old name for the area today consisting of modern Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

Tadukhipa The daughter of the king of Mitanni and one of the wives of Pharaoh Amenhotep III.

Tammuz The Babylonian god of food and vegetation.

Tanis An ancient Egyptian city in the Nile delta.

Thebes One of the most important Egyptian cities and long-time capital in the upper Nile. It was the centre of Amun worship.

Thoth The Egyptian ibis-headed god of knowledge.

Thutmose The official court sculptor during the later part of Pharaoh Akhenaten’s reign, working in Akhetaten. Several Pharaohs also had the same name.










Thutmose III Pharaoh Amenhotep III’s great-grandfather who conquered Syria to Egypt.

Tiye Amenhotep III’s great royal wife and the mother of Pharaoh Akhenaten and possibly of Beketaten.

Tutankhamun Pharaoh of Egypt after Smenkhkare and before Ay. Recent DNA profiling of his mummy has proven him to be Amenhotep III’s grandson and possibly Akhenaten’s son.

Tyre An ancient trade and port city in today’s Lebanon.

Upper Kingdom An ancient southern part of Egypt, centred in Thebes.

Valley of the Kings Part of the City of the Dead close to Thebes where Pharaohs and nobles were buried.

Water Clock An ancient time-measuring device where the passage of time was seen in the slow flow of water from one vessel to another.

Yahweh The national god of various ancient kingdoms of the Hebrews.

Zannanza A Hittite prince who was planning to marry an Egyptian princess for the purpose of becoming Pharaoh of Egypt.

Zemar An ancient trade and port town in today’s Syria.





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